In "Book of Jin." Biography of women. "The Biography of Wang Ning's Wife Xie" records that his uncle Xie An once asked Yun: "Which line in "Mao's Poems" do you think is the best?" Dao Yun said: "Ji Fu wrote a eulogy, and Mu was like the breeze. Zhongshan Fu always cherished his heart to comfort him. "Heart." The Jifu in the poem refers to Yin Jifu, a wise minister of King Xuan of Zhou Dynasty, and Zhongshanfu was a minister deeply loved by the people at that time. "Ji Fu Zuo Ode" refers to "The Book of Songs". "Hao Min" in "Daya" was written by Yin Jifu. It is a poem praising the minister Zhongshanfu for assisting King Xuan of Zhou to achieve the revival of the Zhou Dynasty. His poems are clear and beautiful, like the gentle breeze and beauty, transforming and nourishing all things. After hearing this, Xie An felt the same way and admired Dao Yun very much. He immediately praised her as "elegant and profound". On a cold winter day, Xie An gathered at home and discussed the principles of the article with his children and juniors. Soon, it suddenly started snowing heavily. Xie An asked, "What does it look like when the white snow falls?" Xie Lang, Xie An's second brother Xie Zhi's eldest son, replied, "The scene of spreading salt in the air can almost be compared." Dao Yun replied: "It's better to compare it to catkins blowing in the wind." Xie An was very happy after hearing this. Xie Daoyun cleverly compares catkins to white snow, and the metaphor is clever and appropriate. Because of this story, people praised Xie Daoyun as a talented woman, and she became a representative of talented women in ancient China along with Ban Zhao, Cai Yan and others of the Han Dynasty. Later generations also praised talented women who were good at poetry and writing as talents of "Ying Xu".