Wang Fanzhi's record of Wang Fanzhi's information is not very detailed. Date of birth and date of death are unknown. He only knew that his original name was Brahma, and he was from the late Sui and early Tang Dynasties. He had a wife and a daughter, and his middle age coincided with the war at the end of Sui Dynasty, which led to the decline of his family property, helpless life and unfilial children. It was only in his fifties that he converted to Buddhism. When he roamed Cang Sang, he wrote down his life memories and wrote many poems. Expressing the meaning of life with humor and humor, although the language is popular and rough, is mostly a satire on the world and human feelings, because the style is not high and the thinking is relatively passive, which is in contrast with the poetic style of the Tang Dynasty.
When I am rich, when I am rich, women are good to me. If I take off my clothes and fold my robe and coat. I went out to ask for it, and I was on my way when I delivered it. Put the money in the house and watch me smile. Circling around my white dove like a parrot. I was temporarily poor when I met you, and I looked good when I met you. When people are seven poor people, seven rich people will repay them. The pursuit of wealth ignores people, as if times are changing. This poem can be divided into two parts. When he was rich, his wife and children were attentive to him, folding clothes, going out to see him off and smiling at people. Ten sentences later, the last six sentences turned around and wrote his deep indignation. When there is no money, his wife and children are not good to him, lamenting that life is ups and downs, rich and poor, and only for money without caring, there will be retribution.
In the world of literati, it is generally because of pride that they don't bend over for three buckets of rice, so there are few poems that directly write money. Wang Fanzhi's Poems Face to Face? Money? It is pointed out that money is worldly, and money is hung in poetry and written in poetry. It's vulgar from name to content, but vulgar to people's hearts, don't you think?