In which province and city is Upper Lin Qiu Village located?

Shanglinqiu Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Duozhuang Town, Zhangqiu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province. The urban and rural classification code is 220. The zoning code is 370 1 141223, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 370114. The postal code is 250000, the long-distance telephone area code is 053 1, and the license plate number is Lu A. ShangLin Qiu Village is adjacent to XiaLin Qiu Village, Shizikou Village, Huangpu Village, Guan Ying Village, Xi 'an Village, Ziyue Village, Nanming Village, Sijiaocheng Village, Beiming Village, Tuanyuangou Village, Nanshiwu Village, Beishiwu Village and Shibanpan Village.

Nearby Shanglinqiu Village, there are tourist attractions such as Zhangqiu Qixingtai Scenic Area, Hongshan Cuigu Scenic Area, Lotus Shanshui Sheng Temple, Colorful Mountain Villa and Haoxian Zen Master's Tomb Tower, and there are many special products such as Sheduo chestnut, Zhangqiu thin-shelled walnut, Zhangqiu onion, Longshan millet and Mingshui aromatherapy rice.