A poem in the Analects of Confucius that hopes others will not be anxious.

Confucius said, "If you don't suffer from people's ignorance, you don't know people."

Teacher Jin Dacheng explained this. Confucius said, don't be anxious because others don't know yourself, but worry that you don't know others.

Confucius said that if you want to be a gentleman, you must be mentally prepared. Don't worry if you don't understand, don't understand, don't be reused, and even if your efforts are not rewarded.

This sentence echoes the sentence 1. 1, and people don't know it.

Teacher nan huaijin said that people probably have a common problem, that is, they always feel great, and we often blush when we say something wrong; But after three seconds, my face turned red, and I immediately found many reasons in my mind to support my mistake and thought I was completely right. After another hour, the more I look at myself, the more right I am.

People, that's it, so people always blame others for not knowing themselves, and don't think about whether they know others.