Accumulate soil into mountains, wind and rain flourish, water droplets converge into the ocean, and dragons leap and tigers leap; Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared. Therefore, you can't take Wan Li Road without accumulating steps; If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become rivers and seas.
Step; Ma Xu, ten drivers, never give up. Persevere and never break a dead wood; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Earthworms do not have the advantages of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They are bent on eating the earth and drinking the yellow land. Crab six (eight) Kneel and knead.
People who are not in the snake's nest have no sustenance and are impatient. Therefore, those who have ulterior motives have no bright future. People who have nothing to do can't work together. People who can't do things are not allowed to do things for the two kings. I can't see it with my eyes or ears.
You can't listen to two things at once. Snakes have no feet to fly, but mice have no skills. The poem says: "The corpse dove is in Sang, and her son is seven. A gentleman is a gentleman, and his appearance is one. His heart is like a knot. " Therefore, a gentleman is bound by one.
Interpretation: People with incredible ambitions: sincere and single-minded efforts. Show the bright side: wisdom suddenly becomes within reach. Yan Yan: In the same place.
Qu: Wrong way. Viper: A flying snake. Five skills of mice: can fly but can't cross the house, can't live in poverty, can swim but can't cross the valley, can't hide, can walk without ancestors. Your heart is like a knot: you are absorbed. You always concentrate on one thing when you study.
2. What are the famous sayings about efficiency 1? In my opinion, people who can do things well are not "the best" but the most efficient. -Warren Buffett
2. There are only two substances in the world, high efficiency and low efficiency; There are only two kinds of people in the world, efficient people and inefficient people-Bernard Shaw.
The most inefficient thing in the world is to do an incorrect thing with the best efficiency. -Drucker
The time of life is limited and unchangeable, so it is a waste to use every minute efficiently. -Kai-fu Lee
5. To cultivate ability, we must continue to do it, and we must improve our learning methods and improve our learning efficiency at any time in order to succeed. -Ye Shengtao
6. We believe in a certain order, not because it is an objective fact, but because we believe it can improve the efficiency of cooperation and build a better society. -yuval Harari
7. People who have achieved something start with the most important things. Besides, do only one thing at a time. -Drucker
3. What are the sentences about "efficiency"? 1. Efficiency is the soul of doing a good job. Chesterfield
In order to make the car run fast, you must always oil the wheels. -America
There is a long time between today and tomorrow; Learn to do things quickly while you are still full of energy. -Goethe
4. Technical education is the sublimation of manual labor, which can improve the efficiency of manual labor to the greatest extent. -Wei Gladstone
5. Overcoming one's negative and distorted way of thinking can increase efficiency and self-esteem. Burns
6, busy and nervous, can bring high work mood; Only when you concentrate on your work can you produce high efficiency. -Kōnosuke Matsushita
7. To cultivate ability, we must continue to do it, and we must improve our learning methods and improve our learning efficiency at any time in order to succeed. -Ye Shengtao
8. People will be efficient only if they do things for themselves, and they will procrastinate when they do things for others. If an organization can make a group look like a person, then its efficiency will be very high. Ceng Shiqiang
9. If money is the value measure of goods, then time is the value measure of efficiency. Therefore, for an inefficient person, he will pay a high price for it. bacon
10, there are only two substances in the world: high efficiency and low efficiency; There are only two kinds of people in the world: efficient people and inefficient people. -Bernard Shaw
1 1. When misfortune comes, the best way is to let it go as soon as possible, so that you can spare more time to do more valuable things, and you can live more efficiently and feel better. Yu Dan
12, the most important thing in the work is to improve efficiency. Joe Addison
13. The concept of management responsibility means that management institutions should strive to oppose anyone reducing the efficiency of cooperation for their own interests. Henry Albers
14, cultivating ability must be done continuously, and learning methods must be improved at any time to improve learning efficiency in order to succeed. -Ye Shengtao
15, due to improper labor, leading to mental and physical depression, the doctor called it lazy disease-Dale Carnegie.