When the nine parties are in harmony, they value the essence, regardless of its appearance. Therefore, although the coat color is male and female, it is the best horse in the world. He knows a truth, gold is not enough, horses are not perfect, and people are not perfect. This is precisely the genius of his horse-matching skills. Isn't that what talent selection is all about? People who are good at selecting and employing people always ask big questions and don't criticize small ones. Give two typical examples: during the Spring and Autumn Period, both Bao and Guan Zhong were in business, and Guan Zhong was bound to make more profits. Everyone says that Guan Zhong is a villain who forgets justice, but Bao Shu Ya doesn't think so. On the contrary, he thinks Guan Zhong is a honest man. Because he knew that Guan Zhong took more to help his bitter and cold mother. Recommended by Bao, Guan Zhong became a generation of wise men. Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu, was originally a county official. One day, Lv Gong, a friend and celebrity of the county magistrate, gave a banquet to entertain guests. The gentry and rich families in the county prepared rich gifts for the banquet, but Liu Bang returned empty-handed and boasted, "I will give you 10 thousand gifts." Said, and sat down calmly. Everyone laughed at it, and Lv Gong, the sole owner, sat up and noticed. He not only treated his guests as gifts, but also promised his wife in person. With the help of Zhang Yue Lv Gong and his wife Peng Luo, Liu Bang succeeded.
Qin Mugong, as the chief executive of a country, if he is narrow-minded and impatient, he will break into a furious rage before the swift horse is proved, and treat Bole with the crime of deceiving the monarch, then we can't see this wonderful story recorded in Liezi Fu Shuo.
In selecting and employing people, Bole's public interests, the insightful opinions of the nine parties and Qin Mugong's mind still have profound enlightenment and educational significance.