(2) the reform is weak; The emperor has no real power, and the die-hards are obedient and obstruct the destruction; The reformists lacked the courage to seal the key against imperialism and divorced from the broad masses of the people; Yuan Shikai snitched, Cixi and Rong Lu staged a coup.
(3) He is willing to shed blood and sacrifice for the political reform to arouse national awakening, and his character is noble.
Analysis of test questions: This question mainly examines students' accurate understanding and understanding of the Reform Movement of 1898. The poem in the material is because Yuan Shikai betrayed the reformists and tipped off the Empress Dowager Cixi. The die-hards headed by Cixi staged a coup and killed the reformists. This poem written by Tan Sitong before his death expresses that Tan Sitong died for political reform, that is, he devoted himself to his political ideal and his ideal. Naturally, he died with dignity. Looking back at what they have learned, we can know that the "thief" that the reformists want to kill refers to the die-hards who oppose political reform, represented by Empress Dowager Cixi. However, due to the weak power of political reform, the emperor has no real power, and the die-hards have no courage to oppose imperialism and seal the key, which is divorced from the broad masses of the people. Yuan Shikai tipped off, Cixi and Rong Lu staged a coup, and the political reform was "powerless". Tan sitong believes that the revolution must. .