The way to live is diligence. Therefore, Shao Ziyun said: "A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence." Although the words are close, the purpose is far away!
The sage of Dayu, cherish the inch Yin; Tao Kan is a saint, and cherish Yin, and a saint, not the other?
Nothing is more important than working hard to make a living. Therefore, Mr. Shao said, "A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence." Although these words are simple, they have far-reaching significance!
People like Dayu are so outstanding in wisdom and talent that they cherish every inch of time; People like Tao Kan are so noble and cherish every minute. What's more, they can't compare with them in talent and morality?
2. The original translation of life rules
The way to live is diligence. Therefore, Shao Ziyun said: "A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence." Although the words are close, the purpose is far away!
The sage of Dayu, cherish the inch Yin; Tao Kan is a saint, and cherish Yin, and a saint, not the other?
Nothing is more important than working hard to make a living. Therefore, Mr. Shao said, "A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence." Although these words are simple, they have far-reaching significance!
People like Dayu are so outstanding in wisdom and talent that they cherish every inch of time; People like Tao Kan are so noble and cherish every minute. What's more, they can't compare with them in talent and morality?
There is nothing more important than trying to make a living, so Shao Yong said, "A day's plan lies in the decision of the morning, a year's plan lies in the decision of the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in the decision of diligence."
Although this sentence is simple, it has far-reaching significance! There is nothing to do with the habits of ordinary people. I hate hard work, like happiness, covet food, pay attention to gorgeous clothes, and waste time. Let him be a farmer, but he can't dig deep into the soil and get rid of the grass; Let him be a worker, but he can't calculate the date to ask for the effectiveness of the work; Let him be a businessman, but he can't seize the opportunity to pursue profits; Let him learn, but he can't make up his mind to practice hard.
Living in vain on earth is like a moth to a fire! The truth that heaven and earth nourish everything is that updating every day will not corrupt. Therefore, the revolving door shaft will not corrode and the running water will not rot. It's really God's will. Everything should be at ease! Why are people's minds and strengths different? It is normal for people to think hard when they are tired and to be confused when they are relaxed.
A saint like Dayu still cherishes every inch of time; A wise man like Tao Kan still cherishes every minute; What's more, talent and wisdom are not comparable to their people? .
4. Seek a Chinese translation of classical Chinese. Chu is a noble man. He is not good at dealing with life at the age of fleas and has wandered around many times. There was a noble man who was not good at making a living in his early years. He often can't even drink a bowl of water, but he still sticks to his noble sentiments and is not moved by food.
He used to have a relative who was an official in Jiangsu, so he went to visit relatives and wanted to see the mountains and rivers. After arriving in Jinling, his relatives have returned to China. His travel expenses have been used up. Fortunately, the owner of this hotel doesn't often come to collect debts. He often chats with him and says, "Judging from your appearance, you are not a person who will be trapped in the dust for a long time." So the boss taught him to sell divination and set up a divination stand in front of the store, but the money he earned every day was just enough and there was nothing extra. In the first month of the following year, the boss toasted him and said, "Please tidy up your studies and take the exam again this year." The boss comes to encourage him to study every day, just like a teacher. After the Dragon Boat Festival, I gave him a farewell dinner and gave him thirty taels of silver. The aristocrat went back to his hometown to take the exam, and he got it. In the second year, he was admitted to Jinshi and became an academician. He immediately wrote to report to the boss, but the letter didn't arrive.
Ten years later, the nobles were in charge of the two rivers and visited the boss incognito. But the boss is too old to recognize him, and it will be a long time before he comes to shake hands with him, as if he were an old friend. The boss took out the wine to drink, and the nobles slowly told him about themselves. The boss stood up in surprise and bowed. The noble man held him down and asked him to sit down, saying, "We are poor and humble friends, so don't insist on these etiquette."
The nobles asked the boss to be their own diners. The boss's eldest son was just a camper and was immediately promoted to garrison; When the second son knew a few words, the nobles donated money for him and got an official position in Xiancheng. The child was an official in Zhejiang and later rose to the position of Sima.
5. Qin Xun's "Qin Xun Heng Zhai Anthology" reading answers in classical Chinese.
original text
The way to live is diligence. Therefore, Shao Ziyun said: "A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence." Although the words are close, the purpose is far away!
The sage of Dayu, cherish the inch Yin; Tao Kan is a saint, and cherish Yin, and a saint, not the other?
Nothing is more important than working hard to make a living. Therefore, Mr. Shao said, "A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence." Although these words are simple, they have far-reaching significance!
People like Dayu are so outstanding in wisdom and talent that they cherish every inch of time; People like Tao Kan are so noble and cherish every minute. What's more, they can't compare with them in talent and morality?
Reading training
1. The sentence in this paper is
2. The two items with the same meaning as the word "harmony" in "Cherish an inch of Yin" are ()
A. a fool, 90 years old. B. And if you want to wait with Chang Ma, why not ask him to travel thousands of miles?
C. those who drag out an ignoble existence are dead. D. when a strong man dies, he becomes famous when he dies.
3. What is the author's intention in citing the cases of Dayu and Tao Kan?
A: the answer; 1. The way to live is diligence. 2.BD 3。 Inspire and alert readers with examples of ancient sages cherishing time.
6. Seek the translation of China's ancient poem "The plan of life lies in diligence", which means that diligence is the best way to cure life. Therefore, Shao Ziyun said, "A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence." Although the words are close, the purpose is far away! The sage of Dayu, cherish the inch Yin; Tao Kan is a saint, and cherish Yin, and a saint, not the other? Nothing is more important than working hard to make a living. Therefore, Mr. Shao said, "A day's plan lies in the morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, and a lifetime's plan lies in diligence." Although these words are simple, they have far-reaching significance! People like Dayu are so outstanding in wisdom and talent that they cherish every inch of time; People like Tao Kan are so noble and cherish every minute. What's more, they can't compare with them in talent and morality? .
7. Nothing is higher than working hard to make a living, so Shao Yong said: "Whether the arrangement of a day can be completed depends on whether the plan of a year can be realized in the morning, whether it depends on spring, and whether the plan of a lifetime can be implemented depends on hard work." These words are simple, but far-reaching! But people generally feel that they hate labor and like comfort: (eating) sweets, (wearing) gorgeous clothes, wasting their time, wasting their time. If you farm with this attitude towards life, you can't plough the land deeply and manage the crops well; If you work with this attitude towards life, you will not achieve anything in the daytime; If you do business with this attitude, you can't take advantage of the opportunity to make money; If you use this scholar's attitude towards life, you can't do your best with firm will: (such a person) lived in vain in the middle of heaven and earth, just a moth! The nature of nature is that it is changing and updating every day so as not to be out of date. Therefore, the door shaft that rotates frequently will not be eaten by insects, and the running water will not rot. Indeed, they can't stay still for long! Why is the brain and physical strength different (if you use your brain often, your thinking will be active; If you just want to be comfortable, it is easy to forget. That's why it happened.
Dayu's wisdom is so outstanding that he still cherishes every bit of time; Tao Kan's thought and morality are so noble that he cherishes it for less than an inch of silver. What's more, sages are not as good as those people!