Take Guan Yu as an example.
Alas, Yun Chang was killed! Does it stop hurting when people correct their shortcomings? My heart is really painful, it takes two hands to clap; You have spirit, enjoy my taste! Hanging the king in the early years was powerful; Taoyuan became sworn to help Liu Zhang. If you are weak, you will not hide it; Hang the seal gold, cut five levels. , Wei's item; Before sealing the monarch, there must be worries. Hang Jun Yingwu and denounce Sun Hou; Hanwang's younger brother, worthy of the dynasty, hangs the spirit of the monarch and wants to cut Pound; You don't hang your wings at first, but you can raise your wings at last. Hanging Jun Xiangyang, even breaking several chips; Easily, the sea flows. Diao Jun Cai Hong, Civil and Military Planning; Don't give up easily when water breaks the enemy. When I miss you, I am a hero; Cry jun died young, easy to bleed. Loyal heart, heroism; I have lived for three years, and my name is immortal. I mourn for you and feel sorry for you. Only my courage, sadness is not cut off. The sky is dark and the three armies are sorrowful; Lord mourns; Friends shed tears. Ming and incompetence, seeking a plan; Resist Wu's refusal to Cao, and assist Han Anlu; Great geniuses still leave a sad face. If you survive, why worry? Alas, the clouds are long! Farewell to life and death, Park Shou-zhen, soul like a spirit, to learn from the heart: from now on, there will be no generals! Oh, it hurts! Fu Wei is still very interesting.