A poem in the name of Wang Hewen

The north wind blows! The autumn wind is cool! Whose wife left the room empty! If you are in trouble, I will help you! I live next door. My name is Wang!

The widow next door kept the room empty and begged me for help in tears. Lao Song, his daughter-in-law and village head, begged me not to forget to visit. Lao Wang, I am really busy, not for myself, nor for others; Busy all my life, I just want what it feels like to have no bed in the world; Everyone in the world says that Lao Wang is good and doesn't let women run around. If you don't believe me, please listen to the sound of the bed next door.

Lao Wang, don't be crazy. Transparent cabinets and sturdy beds will see where you are hiding. I don't hide in the cupboard, I don't go to bed, I enjoy the cool in the kitchen skylight, but I don't have to hide at all. For dozens of floors, if you enjoy the cool, you will pay the price of your life if you are not careful. If you are afraid of death, I won't be surnamed Wang Beifeng. If you get cold in autumn, your wife will leave the room empty: Lao Wang, Lao Wang, don't be crazy. Transparent cabinets and sturdy beds will see where you are hiding. For dozens of floors, if you enjoy the cool, you will accidentally put your life on it.