Eleven especially
Honor and shame, joy and sorrow. Take precautions. Wu Wa vs Yue Nv, Mustang vs Sha Ou. Tea quenches thirst and wine quenches sorrow. White eyes to pale head. Ma moved to repair historical records, and Confucius made spring and autumn annals. The farmer in Xinye is idle, and the fisherman in Weibin hangs the hook late. Dragon and horse swim the river, and Emperor Xi draws hexagrams because of the picture; When the gods came out of Luo, the king of Yu took the method to make clear the territory.
crown to shoe, crown to fur. The courtyard is small and quiet. Draw a wall to paint the ground, and the wrong wisdom is good. Lonely, big rivers. Fangze is opposite to the garden hill. The flower pool is singing more and more, and Wu Yu is playing on Liuyu. The warbler is lazy and busy with the rain in March, and the cicada is destroyed for a day. Zhong Zi listens to the piano, and the barren path enters the silence of the forest; The fallen fairy catches the moon, and the water is long when Hong Tao meets the shore.
fish to birds, magpie to doves. The Cuiguan is opposite to the Red Chamber. Seven sages to three friends, love the moon to mourn autumn. Tiger dogs, ants like cattle. Liebi versus vassal. Chen sings in the spring music, and Sui sings at night. Air career Kirin Pavilion, underground article parrot island. On the plains of the wilderness, hunters' hooves are as light as arrows; The oblique wind and drizzle make the cowherd's back as steady as a boat
Li Yu (1611-168), whose first name was Xianlv, later changed his name to Yu, was called Li Weng. Han nationality, from Xiali Village, Lanxi, Jinhua, Zhejiang. Writers, dramatists, drama theorists and aestheticians in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. He was praised as "the ancestor of China's drama theory", "the master of world comedy" and "Oriental Shakespeare" by later generations. He was an advocate of leisure culture and a pioneer of cultural industry, and was listed as one of the world's cultural celebrities. He has written a wealth of works in his life, including Ten Kinds of Songs by Li Weng (including Kite Mistakes), Silent Play (also known as Lian Chengbi), Twelfth Floor, Casual Notes, A Family Talk by Li Weng and so on, with more than five million words. He also reviewed the History of the Three Kingdoms, revised Jin Ping Mei and initiated the compilation of mustard seed garden, which is a rare artistic genius in the cultural history of China.