There is Lu You's Two Sons; After two dreams, there are few true Confucianism, and it is useless to know the canal. Mencius is as reactive as Guan Zhong, and Yang Xiong is as endowed as he is. Respect for the king's career knows who will succeed, and it is easy to work hard. Lonely learning to recite time and space is absolutely sighing, and the white-headed poor alley holds a suicide note.
Zhu Xi, Biography of Poems, hates small things but does big things; Suddenly near and far; It will be futile.
I turned my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shone on the ditch. Only the Yangtze river water, speechless and flowing east, can't last long, and sorrow and hatred are incurable. Affectionate only spring court month, especially from people.