Lian Quan's brushwork is full of meaning, and the breeze is particularly fragrant. Calligraphy is a way to carry forward honesty and integrity and inherit fine family style.
Books related to self-cultivation, governing the country by the family and leveling the world should be read every day; Don't do things that are bad for your body and mind. Generally speaking, it is a small good not to do, a small evil not to do. In order to encourage people to cultivate healthy atmosphere and set up the ambition to do great things. From Mencius Gongsun Chou. The moonlight on the shoulders and the breeze on the sleeves mean that officials are upright, honest and clean. A bright moon on one shoulder means that officials are honest and upright, and there is nothing on their shoulders except moonlight.
Refers to quiet to cultivate one's morality, frugality to cultivate one's morality. Quiet to cultivate one's morality, frugality to cultivate one's morality comes from Zhuge Liang's book of commandments: "A gentleman's journey is quiet to cultivate one's morality, frugality to cultivate one's morality, not indifferent to ambition, not quiet to be far away."
The calligraphy and painting exhibition combines the artistic elements of traditional culture with the education of party style and clean government, adding the characteristics of the new era. Such as a soft pen-pinning your mind on rice paper and your emotions on pen and ink, the Chinese style is presented; Hard pen-help the prosperous times, build dreams in the heart, cast people in the world, and the party style is upright. Chinese painting-the wonderful pen Hang Seng, the breeze blowing on the face, the party's hymn vividly on the paper; Oil painting-thick and colorful, light and refreshing, the future of the motherland is full of prosperity.