Gentleman's business is based on inheritance and Taoism. Filial piety is also the foundation of benevolence! A son said, "Few people are filial to their parents and respect their teachers, but they like to make mistakes.": People who don't like making mistakes, but like making trouble, have never been like this.
To be a man, we must first start from the roots. Once established, the "Tao" will appear. Respect for parents and teachers is the foundation of being a man! "3. Aigong asked:" What is * * * clothing? Confucius said to him, "Answer all the mistakes directly and obey them.": * * * Admit the mistake. "
The translation of The Analects of Confucius for Politics asks the public: "How to convince people?" Confucius said: "Lift up the upright people and put them on dishonest people, so that people will be convinced;" Lift up dishonest people and put them on upright people, so that everyone will not be convinced. "4. Ji Kangzi asked:" That makes people respect and be loyal to persuade? "Confucius said:" If you are near, you will respect Zhuang; When you are filial, you should be loyal; When it's good, don't teach but advise. "Ji Kangzi asked," What should be done to make people serious, dedicated and diligent? "Confucius said:" You take others' affairs seriously, and others take you seriously; "You are filial to your parents, caring and young, and they will do their best to work hard for you; You hire people with both ability and political integrity, people with weak educational ability, and they are diligent.
"5. Confucius said," Benevolence is beautiful. If you choose the unkind, how will you know? Confucius said, "It is the best thing to live with people of noble character."
If you don't have a virtuous and noble person when choosing your place of residence, how can you be smart? Confucius said: "An unkind person cannot keep his promise for a long time. They can't be satisfied with their own advantages. The benevolent is peaceful, and the knowing is benevolent. " Confucius said: "People without benevolence cannot live in poverty and happiness for a long time. People with benevolence are content with benevolence, and smart people use it.
"7. Confucius said:" Those who are rich and expensive have what they want. If you don't follow the path, there is nowhere.
Poverty and meanness are human evils. Don't go if you don't get it by the way.
Isn't it good to be famous if a gentleman goes to benevolence? If a gentleman has no final food, he will violate benevolence. If he expects anything, he will be unhappy. Confucius said: "it is everyone's desire to get rich and be an official." If you don't get it through proper means, don't accept it; Poverty and low status are disgusting to everyone. If you don't get rid of them properly, don't get rid of them.
How can a gentleman achieve fame if he throws away kindness? A gentleman never leaves benevolence for a short time, never leaves benevolence for an urgent time, and never leaves benevolence for a chaotic time. "8. Confucius said," I have never seen anyone good or evil.
Kind people are the best; Those who are evil but not kind, those who are kind, don't impose unkindness on them. Can you work hard on benevolence for a day? I have never seen anyone who is weak.
It's covered, but I don't know. Confucius said: "I have never met anyone who likes benevolence and righteousness and hates inhumanity."
Benevolence is supreme; People who hate inhumanity, the purpose of his benevolence is not to let inhumanity be imposed on them. Is there anyone who can use his strength to practice kindness one day? I've never seen anyone incompetent. There may be such a person, but I have never seen him.
9. Confucius said: "Those who talk about Taoism are ambitious, and those who are ashamed of devil wears prada are not worried." Confucius said: "A scholar is determined to pursue the truth, but he is ashamed of wearing coarse clothes and eating coarse grains. Such a person is not worth talking to.
10. The son's name is Gongyechang: "You can have a wife. Although it is among them, it is not a crime. "
With his son and wife. Confucius commented on Gongye Chang: "You can marry your daughter to him.
Although he is in prison, it is not his fault. "He married his daughter to him.
1 1. Zaiying sleeps during the day. Confucius said, "Rotten wood cannot be carved, nor can the wall of dirt be carved.
What is the punishment? Confucius said, "I started with others. I listened to what I said and believed what I did." Today, I am a man. I listen to his words and watch his actions. Giving and changing are. "
(The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang) I sleep during the day. Confucius said, "You can't carve rotten wood, and you can't draw a wall of dirt. What can I blame him for being slaughtered? " Confucius added: "I used to look at people and listen to them, so I believed in his behavior;" Now I look at people and listen to what he says, but I want to examine his behavior.
I changed my previous method from my performance in Yu. "12. Confucius said:" Ningwu Zibang knows that it has a way, and if it has no way, it is stupid.
Its knowledge is available, and its stupidity is also. Confucius said: "Ning my son, if the country is too peaceful, it will be wise, and if the country is chaotic, it will be dumb.
His cleverness can be learned, but others can't catch up with him. "13. Yan Yuan and history.
Confucius said, "Why do you say it?" Lutz said, "I hope my horses and chariots and my clothes are all light, and I will be happy when I am with my friends." Yan Yuan said: "I hope that there is no good cut, and I will get it for nothing."
Lutz said, "I want to hear about Zizi's ambition." Confucius said, "Old people are safe, friends believe, and young people are pregnant."
(The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang) Yan Yuan and Lu Ji served Confucius. Confucius said, "Why not say what everyone wants?" Lutz said: "I want to use my horses, chariots and furs with my friends. I don't regret wearing them out."
Yan Yuan said: "I am willing not to brag about my own benefits or publicize my contribution." Lutz said, "What's your wish? Confucius said: "Let the elderly enjoy happiness, let friends trust me, and let young people miss me.
14. Ai Gong asked: "Who is a studious disciple? Confucius said, "Those who have Yan Hui are eager to learn, and if they don't get angry, they will die soon. I am going to die today, and I have never heard of a good scholar. "
(The Analects of Confucius Yongye) The translation Ai Gong asked: "Which of your students is eager to learn?" Confucius said, "There was a studious man named Yan Hui who refused to take it.
2. Is there any interesting classical Chinese? Autumn has come, and all the rivers have flooded into the river.
There is no dispute between the two cliffs. Therefore, he was so happy that he took the beauty of the world for himself.
Follow the current to the east. As for the North Sea, looking eastward, there is no end to the water. So Yan Hebo began to turn his face, looked at the ocean and sighed: "There is a saying in the wild:' knowledgeable person thinks it is not himself.
"That's what I call it. Only when I have tasted Zhong Ni and despised Boyi's benevolence and righteousness will I believe it.
Today, I saw that it was difficult for my son to be poor. I am in danger unless I am at my son's door. My parents laughed at my generous family. Beihai Ruo said: "Well frogs can't talk to people in the sea, but they are confined to the air; Summer insects can't talk to ice or time; Qu's family can't talk to Taoists, but can only be tied to religion.
Now that I'm out of the cliff and looking at the sea, I know I'm ugly, and I'm sure I can have a heart-to-heart talk with Dali. The water in the world is greater than the sea: Wan Chuan belongs to it, and I don't know when it will stop; I don't know when it is empty; Spring is the same as autumn. We don't know about floods and droughts.
This is the flow of the river, which cannot be measured. However, I have never regarded this as self-enrichment. Self-comparison is the shaping of heaven and earth, and I am suffering from yin and yang. I am between heaven and earth, and Xiao Mu is among the mountains.
I almost see less square inches, and I laugh at myself! It's not as empty as osawa. China is to the sea, unlike rice to Taicang? Tens of thousands of things, people are at a loss; People die in Kyushu, grains are born, boats and cars are connected, and people are there. This is more important than anything else, unlike the end of luxury goods lies in the horse? The connection between the five emperors, the dispute between the three kings, the concern of people with lofty ideals, the works of any literati, all this! Boyi's ci is famous, but Zhong Ni's ci is rich.
This is more self-sufficient, unlike you who are more self-sufficient than water? Hebo said, "But I am a big man and a small man. So what?" If Beihai says, "No .. Husband and property are endless, endless and impermanent, and ultimately for no reason.
Therefore, profound knowledge depends on distance, so small but not much, big but not much: knowledge is infinite. It is proved that it is now, so it is far away, but it is not boring or embarrassing: there is no end to knowing.
Look at the surplus and see the deficiency, you won't be happy, but you won't be worried: knowing the difference is impermanent. Know openly, be born without words, die without suffering: you can't be so ignorant when you know the ending.
Count what people know, not what they don't know; When I was born, it was not like when I was not born; Being the smallest and the poorest is confusion, not complacency. From this perspective, how can we know that the details are fine enough, and how can we know that the world is poor enough and big enough! Hebo said, "Anyone who talks about the world always says: the essence is invisible, and the great cannot be measured.
"Is it trust? Beihai Ruo said, "The husband is not satisfied with being big, but the arrogant person is unknown. The husband is fine and small; Cymbals are big yin: therefore, it is different.
This trend is also there. Those who are fine and rough look tangible; Invisible, inseparable; People who cannot be surrounded cannot be poor.
All who can talk are boors; Those who can understand are the essence of things; People who can't say what they say, people who can't understand what they mean, are probably not refined. Therefore, the trip of adults: no harm, no kindness; Don't move for profit, don't be greedy and cheap; Goods and wealth compete, and there are not many concessions; Don't lend, don't overeat, don't be corrupt; There are not many differences between lines and customs; In order to conform, don't be mean and flattering; Persuading the world is not enough, and shame is not enough; You can't tell right from wrong, and you can't tell the details.
When I heard this, I said, "Taoist priests don't smell it. It's extremely virtuous. Adults have no self. " It's about a minute.
Hebo said, "If things are outside, if things are inside, then they are evil and Ni is precious."? Evil and Ni Xiaoda? Beihai Ruo said: "From the Taoist point of view, nothing is noble; Seeing things is expensive and cheap; From a vulgar point of view, nobility is not in yourself. From the perspective of difference, because it is big and big, everything is not big; Everything is small because it is small.
Knowing that heaven and earth are the same meter, knowing the details is the mountain top, which is almost invisible. From the point of view of merit, if there is something, then everything is there; Because without it, there is nothing, without it, there is nothing.
If you know the opposite of things and can't have each other, then there is a division of work. Look at it with interest, because it is natural, then everything is nothing else; Because it is not what it is, everything is wrong.
Interestingly, Yao and Jie are born different. Yao Shun gave way to the emperor before, but he gave up with a sigh. Tang and Wu fought for the king, and Bai Gong fought for the king.
From this point of view, the ceremony of contending for concessions and Yao Jie's trip are sometimes noble and humble, which can't be normal. Liang ran into the city instead of smothering the cave, and the words were different; A thousand miles a day, catching mice is not as good as raccoons, and it is also very skilled; It is unusual for cormorants to catch fleas at night and observe the details, but they can't see the hills during the day.
Therefore, it is said that building a teacher is only superficial, and the teacher is not chaotic? Even if there is no reason for tomorrow, all things love. I can't understand it. It's still a teacher of heaven and earth, a teacher of yin and yang! However, if you don't give up, you are not stupid or fake! Emperor Zen is the only one, and three generations are the only ones.
When it is not good, those who violate its customs are called usurpers; At that time, those who followed the custom were called righteous. Silent, Hebo, the door of female evil knowledge, a small but big home! Herb said, "But what am I? Why not? What can I do if I resign and be entertained? As Beihai said, "From the Taoist point of view, what is expensive and what is cheap is the opposite; Without restraint, there is a big gap with Tao.
More or less, it is called Xie Shi; No line, different from Tao. Strictly speaking, if a country has a monarch, it is selfless; If there is a sacrificial society, it is selfless and blessed; Generally speaking, if it is infinite, it has no territory.
Considering everything, which one has wings? It is said that there is no way. Everything comes together, which is shorter and which is longer? The Tao has no beginning, and things have life and death, not by it.
One is empty and the other is full, not depending on its shape. The year can't be lifted, but it is a deep valley.
Eliminate the surplus and deficiency, and there will be a beginning. This is the way to reason, and it is also the way to talk about the reason of everything.
Things are born, if they are sudden. Still, still, no time to move.
What is this? Why not? The husband will be self-sufficient. "Herb said," but what is the value of evil? If Beihai says, "Those who know will be right, those who are right will be clear about their rights, and those who are clear about their rights will not harm themselves with things.
The most virtuous, fire can heat, water can drown, cold and heat can harm, and animals can steal. I'm not saying it's thin. It's better to be lucky to observe safety, and there's no harm in going.
Therefore, as the saying goes, "Heaven is inside, people are outside, and virtue cares about heaven. The journey of knowing heaven and man is based on heaven, and its status is almost won, embarrassing and stretched, but it is extremely important.
"What is heaven? What is a person? " For example, Beihai said, "Cattle and horses are four-legged, which is called heaven; If you fall off the horse's head and put on a bull's nose, you are human. Therefore, "man can't destroy the sky, life can't be destroyed, and name can't be sacrificed."
It is against the truth to keep it without losing it. ""what a pity, what a pity.
3. Is there a longer story in classical Chinese? In Jintaiyuan, Wu Lingren made a living by fishing. Walk along the stream and forget the distance. Suddenly I met the peach blossom forest and grabbed the shore for hundreds of steps. There are no miscellaneous trees in it, and the grass is delicious and colorful. Fishermen are very different. If you go any further, you will want to be poor.
If there is no water in the forest, make a mountain. The mountain has a small mouth and seems to have light. Leave the ship and enter through the mouth. Only by being narrow at first can we understand people. Take a few steps and you will be suddenly enlightened. The land is flat and spacious, so is the house. There are fertile fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees and bamboo. The traffic in the building is so busy that chickens and dogs hear each other. Some men and women dressed like strangers. The yellow hair hangs low and enjoys itself.
Seeing the fisherman, Naimu was surprised and asked him what he had not done. Answer it. You have to go home and set up wine to kill chickens for dinner. When the village heard about this man, Xian came to inquire. Since Master Yunzu escaped from the chaos of the Qin Dynasty and led his wife to this desperate situation, he did not come back and separated from outsiders. You ask what this world is, and I don't know if there are any Han Chinese, regardless of Wei and Jin Dynasties. This man speaks every word with a sigh. The others went home, eating and drinking. Stop for a few days and resign. There is a saying in China: "The humanity of outsiders is not satisfactory."
Help the road when you get off the boat, and you are determined everywhere. And the county, Yi Taishou, said so. The satrap is to send someone with him to find what he wants and fascinate him. There is no road anymore.
Liu Ziji, a noble family, heard about it and gladly did it. If you fail, you will find the disease. Nobody took care of it after that.
In the first year of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was a Wu Lingren who took fishing as his profession. One day, he rowed along the stream and forgot the distance. Suddenly I met a peach blossom forest with peach trees on both sides of a stream hundreds of miles away. There are no other trees in the middle, and the herbs on the ground are bright and beautiful, with many fallen petals. The fisherman was surprised at the beautiful scenery. Go further and want to walk through Taolin.
Taolin disappeared where the stream originated, and then I saw a mountain with a small hole, which seemed to have light. The fisherman put down the boat and got in through the hole. At first, the hole was very narrow, and only one person could pass through. After dozens of trips, it suddenly became open and bright. The land here is flat and open, with neat houses, fertile fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees and bamboo. The path in the field is intertwined, and the crowing of chickens and dogs can be heard from village to village. People there come and go to farm and work, and men and women dress exactly like the world outside the Peach Blossom Garden. Old people and children are carefree, happy and happy.
People in Taoyuan were surprised to see the fisherman and asked him where he came from. The fisherman gave him a detailed answer. He invited fishermen to his home and cooked them with wine to kill chickens. When people in the village heard that there was such a person, they all came to inquire about the news. They themselves said that the ancestors of the previous generation came to this isolated place with their wives, children and fellow villagers to avoid the disaster in the Qin Dynasty, and never went out from here again, so they were isolated from the world outside the Peach Blossom Garden. They asked what dynasty it was, but they didn't know there was a Han dynasty, let alone Wei and Jin dynasties. The fisherman told them everything he knew in detail, and those people all sighed and regretted it. Others invited fishermen to their homes, and all took out wine and rice to entertain them. The fisherman stayed for a few days and then left. People here told him: "The situation here is not worth telling the world outside the Peach Blossom Garden."
After the fisherman came out, he found his boat and went back along the old road, marking everywhere along the way. Back in the county, I visited the satrap and reported the situation. The satrap immediately sent someone to follow him, looking for the mark he had made before, but he lost his way and didn't find the original road again.
Nanyang Liu Ziji, a noble celebrity, heard the news and happily planned to go. Didn't come true, and soon died of illness. There were no visitors after that.
4. Whose ancient prose is shorter?
There are no donkeys in Guizhou (1), but there are good people on board. At best, it's useless Let it go down the mountain. When the tiger sees it, it is strange (2) and thinks it is a god. Cover (3) peeping in the Woods (4), a little out, close, but unfamiliar (5). One day, the donkey will bark, and the tiger will be frightened (6) and will hide far away (7), thinking that it will bite itself (8), which is very scary. But if you look at it (9), you think it is incompetent. Learn its voice (10). Don't dare to fight before and after going out again (12). Closer, Evie (13), swaying and galloping (14), donkey angry (15), hooves on it. The tiger was happy and said (16), "Stop it!" Because of the jump (17), he broke his throat and went with all his might. -"Liuhe East Collection"
(1) Qian (Qi 'an)-the abbreviation of Guizhou Middle Road.
(2) behemoths-describe things that are big and bulky.
(3) cover-hide. peep(kuι)-peek。
(4) Peek-peek.
(5) Yan Yan ran-be careful. Don't know each other-I don't know.
(6) Hai-fear.
(7) escape (dü n)-escape to the distance.
(8)-yes. Bite (stone)-bite.
(9) round trip.
(10) Power-a special ability.
(1 1) Learn its sound-get used to it. Benefit, more and further.
(12) hit-hit, pounce
(13) bet (Xi m:)- tease. It means affectionate and familiar.
(14) swing collision. Tilt-off. Impact impact. Offend.
(15)shēng- no way.
(16) meter-mental arithmetic.
( 17)Liang-Jump。 (h m:n)- ho.
(18) omitted: gradually
(19) nai: Cai
(20) Go: Leave
(2 1) boat: use a boat.
Do not know each other: I don't know what it is.
There are no donkeys in Guizhou Middle Road. A busybody entered Guizhou with a donkey in a boat. It's useless after it's shipped. It's at the foot of the mountain. At first glance, the tiger is a huge animal and regards it as a magical thing. So I hid in the Woods and took a peek. The tiger gradually came out and approached it, very cautious, not knowing what it was.
One day, the donkey barked, and the tiger was very scared and ran away. I thought that donkey was going to bite myself, and I was very scared. But the tiger came and observed it again, and felt that the donkey seemed to have no special skills; Gradually get used to its sound and walk around it; But tigers never dare to fight with donkeys. Slowly, the tiger approached the donkey again, with a more casual posture, touching and bumping. The donkey was very angry and kicked the tiger with his hoof. The tiger was so happy that he thought about it and thought, "That's it!" " So he jumped up, roared loudly, bit the donkey's throat and ate its meat before leaving.
Later, everyone changed the story that the donkey in Guizhou was eaten by a tiger into the idiom "Guizhou donkey's skill", which means that people have used up their limited skills. He also said that "a thousand donkeys were at a loss to attack Tiji and panicked, and both of them were at a loss."
Idiom review
This story vividly shows that there are many things in the world that look powerful and terrible, but there is nothing to be afraid of. This shows that the revolutionary people should not be intimidated by seemingly powerful enemies, but should fully believe in their own strength, dare to fight, be good at fighting and win.
5. Who has a shorter classical Chinese "I am at my wit's end"
There are no donkeys in Guizhou, but there are good people on board. Here, it's no use. Put it down the hill. When the tiger saw it, he thought it was a monster and a god. Peeking through the Woods, getting out a little, getting closer, but not knowing each other. One day, the donkey will scream, and the tiger will be frightened and run away, thinking that it will bite itself, which is very scary. However, if you look at it from time to time, if you think you have the ability, you will learn its voice. Don't dare to fight before and after going out again. A little closer, favorable, swaying, galloping, and the donkey's hoof is angry. The tiger was very happy and said, "Stop it!" " Because of the big jump, he broke his throat and tried his best.
to gild the lily
If there is a temple in Chu, give it to someone else. Mr. Scheeren said to each other, "A few people have enough to drink, and one person has more than enough to drink. Please draw a snake and drink the first one. " One snake first, lead the wine to drink; Take a swastika in your left hand, draw a snake in your right hand and say, "I can do it!" " "There is no success. A man's snake made it. He grabbed it and said, "One snake is not enough. Can Zi An?"? "Then drink its wine. The man who makes snake feet will eventually die of his wine.
Ye Gong Long Hao
Ye loves dragons, and only carved dragons on long hooks and wine vessels, and carved dragons at home. In this way, when he was known by the dragon in the sky, he fell from the sky to Ye Gong's home. Someone visited him on the windowsill, and his dragon tail reached into the hall. When Ye Gong saw a dragon, he turned around and ran away, scaring him like a lost soul, terrified and unable to control himself. Therefore, Ye doesn't really like dragons. He just likes things that look like dragons, not dragons.