1. Thunder, thunder
Lightning is followed by thunder.
Lightning is followed by thunder.
2. A thunderous sound
We can hear guns rumbling in the distance.
We can hear guns in the distance.
3. angry; Condemn; threaten
The intransitive verb vi.
1. (it serves as the subject) thunders.
It thundered several times, but it didn't rain.
It thundered several times, but it didn't rain.
2. Make a thunderous sound; Rumble about
The truck rumbled along the highway.
Big trucks rumbled across the road.
3. Rage loudly reprimanded; threaten
They protested loudly against cheating in the exam.
They openly opposed cheating in exams.
transitive verb
1. Send it out vigorously; Bang!
2. Severe (threats, warnings, etc.). ) and shout it out
The boss announced his order loudly.
Thunder and thunder ['θ? nd? r? s]
Thunderous? nd? ri]
thundrous ['θ? ndr? s]
Thunder, like thunder.