Wang Bo was not famous when he wrote Preface to Wang Tengting. Why doesn't Yan, the host of the banquet, directly possess his poems?

Because at that time, Wang Bo improvised a preface at the banquet, so many people watched it at the banquet. As the governor, Yan dares to take this matter for himself in front of everyone, but he can't afford to lose this person.

In the autumn of 675 AD, Yan hosted a banquet in the museum to celebrate the completion of the museum, and invited many guests. At that time, Wang Bo got up to visit his father. He happened to meet this banquet when he passed Nanchang. Yan knew it was famous and invited him to attend.

Yan's banquet is not only to celebrate the completion of the museum, but also to show everyone the talent of his son-in-law Meng and praise him. Meng has written a wonderful preface in advance and intends to pretend to improvise at the party. Yan sent someone to take out the pen and paper during the dinner and asked all the guests to make a preface. All the guests knew his purpose, so they refused to say they couldn't write.

At that time, Wang Bo didn't think so much. He didn't refuse, but took a pen and paper and began to improvise. Yan felt a little uneasy when he wrote so hard, so he got up and entered the account, and then showed the servant what he had written. When the servant told him the content of preface to Wang Teng-ting, Yan was shocked and lamented that he was a genius. The guests at the banquet were also impressed by Wang Bo's preface and praised his talent in succession.

Suddenly, the preface written by Wang Bo in Nanchang reached the ears of Tang Gaozong, and Tang Gaozong was surprised. He thought it was a swan song, so he called Wang Bo, but Wang Bo had drowned, and Tang Gaozong felt very sorry.