Knowledge is power and conscience is direction. Wang Yangming said: "But it is a waste of spirit to regard conscience as a virtue."
This means that people are born with a conscience and do not need to ask for it from people or books. If they can display their conscience, they can do good deeds. We often say that "knowledge is power". In Wang Yangming's view, conscience is power, or knowledge oriented to conscience is power.
15 19, it took Wang Yangming less than 50 days to completely pacify Ning Wangzhu, with an elite of 200,000. This is the result of conscience, and defeating a strong enemy with an absolutely inferior force is the power of conscience.
Wang Yangming, this title comes from his name. He practiced in Yangming Cave in his hometown, so he was named "Yangming Zi", and the world called him Mr. Yangming. His real name is Wang Shouren, which comes from a sentence in The Analects of Confucius: "If you know it, you can't keep it. If you have something, you will lose it. "
What can be achieved through knowledge, if not guarded by kindness, can be achieved temporarily, but will eventually be lost. Confucius said that "benevolence" means conscience, and "keeping benevolence" means going in the direction of conscience.
Expand the data, have great love and responsibility in your heart. When disaster comes, it is time for a gentleman to stand up and meet the challenge.
"When the sea flows, the true colors of heroes are revealed", and the way to help the world is well deserved by the gentleman;
Only those who have insight into the development laws and trends of things can benefit the people all over the world, and gentlemen can help the world.
The gentleman is magnanimous, tolerant of subordinate friends and emotionally stable; With an indisputable heart, eliminate the grievances in everyone's hearts. Dare to stand up in difficult times, a gentleman has power and influence;
Only those who are benevolent and love, loyal to the monarch and concerned about the country can do it! A gentleman is a disaster on earth.