1, Ceng Zi said, "I save three times a day-are you unfaithful to others?" Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? "
Ceng Zi said, "I ask myself many times every day: Have I done my best for others? Are you honest with your friends? Has the knowledge taught by the teacher been reviewed on time? "
2, Confucius said: "See the sage Si Qi Yan, see the sage and introspect."
Confucius said: "When you see a person with virtue or talent, you should think about learning from him. When you see a person without virtue, you should reflect on whether there is a mistake like him. "
3. Confucius said, "In a threesome, there must be a teacher. Choose good and follow it, but change it if it is not good. "
Several people are walking together, and there must be my teacher among them. Choose their good places to learn and adopt, and correct their bad places.
Introspection is self-evaluation, self-reflection, self-criticism, self-adjustment and self-education, and it is a method of self-moral cultivation put forward by Confucius. He said: "See the sage Si Qi Yan, see the sage and introspect." (Excerpted from "The Analects of Confucius")
"introspection" is the expression of self-awareness and initiative, and it is an effective method of moral cultivation.
"Si Qi sees sages, but not sages" has always been one of the standards of China people's moral cultivation. . From the psychological point of view, introspection is not only a good moral character, but also an ability to make people happy. Psychology defines introspection as the process of examining one's words and deeds through self-awareness, that is, self-evaluation, self-reflection, self-adjustment and self-education.
"Introspection" does not mean self-criticism, including self-affirmation. Introspection is necessary in adversity, introspection in prosperity, summing up the past and planning the future in introspection. Introspection does not mean blindly blaming yourself. Introspection is positive, pleasant and constructive, and it is to guide one's thoughts, words and deeds to develop in a good way.
"introspection" is a kind of ability. People with good self-examination ability show strong willpower, independent personality, have their own inner world outlook, like to be alone, pursue their own interests, appear confident, dress in their own style, and be able to complete research projects independently. People with poor self-examination ability have a low sense of self-worth, don't know their life goals, don't pay much attention to their daily feelings, and often worry that people close to them will not like themselves, live alone, sometimes feel nothingness, feel that they are not really alive, and often feel uneasy about some small things.
reference data
Ancient Poetry Network: http://www.gushiwen.org/guwen/lunyu.aspx