2, "Crab Fu" Cao Xueqin is noble and easy to sit in the shade, and Chang' an looks forward to Chongyang. There is no latitude and longitude in the road ahead, and the skin is black and yellow in spring and autumn. Chrysanthemum should also be used when the wine is not fishy, and ginger must be used to prevent cold accumulation. What's so good about dropping the pot today? The moon is empty and the millet is fragrant.
3. The first fresh (crab) Hu's eight-claw steel bar pliers ran across the waters. Born noble, the world is the freshest.
4. Pi Rixiu in Tang Dynasty wrote "Xie Fu in West Zhejiang". You have never swam in the sea, but you have bones and are born of meat. Don't say it is heartless, even if it is afraid of lightning, the sea dragon king is also on the rampage.
5, "Crab Fu" Cao Xueqin in the Qing Dynasty
The armored commander will never forget him until he dies, and likes to taste the colors of the pile first. The chelated tender jade is full, with red grease protruding from the shell and fragrant. What a pity for you, who advised me to help you? This is a good holiday reward, cool breeze and chrysanthemum cream.
6, "Fisherman Songjiang Crab House Master Huan" Tang Zhang
The owner of Songjiang Crab House is happy, and rice and soup are also * * * rice. Maple leaves have fallen, flowers have withered, and drunken fishing boats don't feel cold.
7. "Singing Crab" Pi Rixiu in Tang Dynasty
The sea has not yet known the reputation of crabs. Its meat has bones and its appearance is unique. Mo Tao has no intention of being afraid of lightning, and the sea dragon king is also very rampant.
8. "Singing Crab" Tang Dynasty Li
Cicada-eyed turtle-shaped feet are like spiders, and they have never faced anyone head-on. Today, I am wandering around like a river and lake at a banquet.
5. Song Fang Yue's "Two Rhymes of Sea Crabs"
Regardless of money, perch crabs will go to the moon boat by the lake. Jade, snow, claws, newly cooked wine, sweet-scented osmanthus, chrysanthemum front.