And what passers-by gave him was also very special. Ordinary tramps, everyone gives money, or directly gives food. However, Shen Wei often receives some pen and ink and some books. Actually, a passerby gave him a giant panda doll. Shen Wei is also very entangled in these things sent by passers-by. After all, as a drifter, he doesn't have a fixed residence, so the netizen sent her something like this, and he felt it inconvenient to carry it back and forth. It seems wasteful to throw it away, but it's really impossible to take so much away.
Shen Wei gets up early every morning. The first thing to do when you get up in the morning is probably to pick up garbage. Although they are all cleaners' jobs, he also takes the initiative to do them. Although Shen Wei is now in a wandering state, he never feels that there is anything wrong with this state, but he is very satisfied. Because he thinks it will make him quiet and get some growth. I still enjoy life when I am alone, but after being exposed by the internet, it seems different from before.
Many people are rushing to take photos with Shen Wei. Especially those anchors on the Internet will stop to take photos when they meet Shen Wei. In fact, I think it seems disrespectful for everyone to disturb her like this. After all, he just wants to stroll around and doesn't want to get so much attention. As a public, I think we should leave him some private space.