Excerpt from the relevant scripture of Jehovah.

Bible Psalms 100 (Psalms of Thanks)

1, the whole world should cheer for the Lord!

Serve the Lord gladly and come and sing to him!

Know that the Lord is God. We are made by him and belong to him; We are his people, the sheep in his pasture.

4. When gratitude enters his door, when praise enters his courtyard. Thank him and praise his name.

Because the Lord is good, his love endures forever, and his faith endures from generation to generation.

Bible Psalm 1 17

1, praise the Lord and all nations! Praise him, all you peoples!

2. Because of his great kindness to us, the faith of the Lord endures forever. Praise god!

Bible Psalms 128

Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.

2, you want to eat what you earn, you want to enjoy happiness, and everything goes well.

Your wife is like a fruitful vine in your inner room. Your children surround your desk like olive groves.

4. Behold, the man who fears the Lord will be blessed in this way.

May the Lord bless you from Zion; May you see the benefits of Jerusalem all your life.

6. May you see your children's children. Peace is with Israel!

Psalm 96 of the Bible

Sing a new song to the Lord. Sing to the Lord, all the earth.

2. Sing to the LORD, praise his name, and proclaim his salvation every day.

3. Tell his glory among the nations and his wonders among the peoples.

4. Because the Lord is great, he should be greatly praised; He is above all gods and should be feared!

All foreign gods are nothing, but the Lord created the heavens.

6. Honor and majesty are before him, and power and beauty are in his sanctuary.

All families of the people, give to the Lord all glory and strength.

Give the Lord the glory due to his name, and bring an offering to his court.

9. Worship the Lord with holy ornaments. All the earth will tremble before him.

10 people will say among the nations, "The Lord is king, and the world will be established and unshakable; He will judge the people fairly. "

1 1, may the sky be happy and the earth be happy! May the sea and everything in it surge!

12, I wish Tian and everyone happiness! Then all the trees of the forest will shout for joy before the Lord.

13, because he came, he came to judge the whole land. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness.