Peace and prosperity, China idiom, pinyin is tài píng shèng shì, which is a metaphor for a very prosperous and stable society. National political clarity; People live and work in peace; Officials do their job, the people make the best use of it, and make the best use of it; More and more friends, fewer and fewer opponents; The road is not picked up, and the door is not closed at night; Good weather, no disaster and no difficulty; A peaceful and peaceful social scene can be described as a peaceful and prosperous time.
Lu Xun's Gai Hua Collection, My Home and Department: "I have met troublemakers in the late Qing Dynasty, and I was not born in a peaceful and prosperous time, so even if I have some self-restraint, I sometimes have to speak."
The peace of the country and the people is the peace of the country and the stability of the people.
China Youth Daily1985./KLOC-0.1:"However, in any case, the people of China who are full of worries are looking forward to a prosperous and prosperous day." ?
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In the process of its own development, couplets have absorbed the characteristics of ancient poems, essays, lyrics and songs. Therefore, the sentence patterns used in couplets include ancient poems, prose sentences and parody sentences in addition to regular poems and parallel prose sentences. Different sentence patterns have different metrical patterns and different leniency. Among them, the sentence pattern of rhythmic poetry is the most strict, while the sentence pattern of ancient verse has no restrictions except at the end of the sentence. ?
One source of Spring Festival couplets is spring stickers. The ancients posted the word "Yichun" more and more at the beginning of spring, and then it gradually developed into Spring Festival couplets, expressing the good wishes of the working people in China to ward off evil spirits and avoid disasters and welcome good luck.