General sentence for comprehensive quality composition of teacher qualification certificate

1. Be a teacher that students like.

Confucius once said, "Learn from your teacher and believe in his way." The meaning of this sentence is that only when students like this teacher can they like this teacher's class and truly accept the knowledge taught by this teacher. As a teacher, it is one thing to be knowledgeable and rich in connotation, and it is another to make students like themselves. So, how can we become a teacher that students like? I think a teacher who likes students must do the following:

First, respect and care for students and treat every student fairly.

Rousseau, a French enlightenment thinker, once said: "The souls of the emperor and the shoemaker are carved in the same mold. In school, teachers and students are also equal. As teachers, we should respect and care for students and treat every student fairly. Every student is a living individual with different thoughts, personalities and behaviors from others. This individual difference determines that they can't be the same in life. They will have different thoughts, different behaviors and different grades. Therefore, if you want to be a teacher that students like, you must first respect students, respect their differences, and treat every student equally with a sincere heart. In practical work, a considerable number of teachers tend to "love" in this respect, which makes students full of opinions. Respecting students is the premise of winning their respect. As the saying goes, "Give me a peach in return", "You respect me one foot, I respect you one foot". Only when teachers truly respect and care for students can students truly respect and love teachers.

Second, be a good teacher in students' study and a good friend in life.

It's easy to be a teacher, but difficult to be a teacher. Because teachers should not only teach books well, but also educate people well. We should not only play the role of "teacher", but also play the role of "parents" and "friends", not only well, but also well. Only in this way can we truly become teachers that students like.

A student once wrote: "The teacher who can look after me in class and remind me when I am tired after school is my idol, role model and trusted friend!" Another student wrote: "Teacher, what I lack is not criticism and reprimand, but care, understanding and tolerance." From the sincere words of these students, do we understand the innocence of students who need both strict love and guidance and persuasion? On the one hand, their curious hearts need us to satisfy, and their childish hearts need us to shape. On the other hand, they encounter a lot of troubles on the road of growth. We need to guide them, get rid of them, let them spend their adolescence happily, get rid of the troubles brought by growth, and let them grow up happily and healthily. Therefore, as teachers, we should not only give students guidance in study, but also actively care about students in life, understand their difficulties and make friends with them.