Lingyin Temple According to legend, one day, Monk Jigong of Lingyin Temple suddenly had a whim and knew that a mountain peak was about to fly in from a distance. At that time, there was a village in front of Lingyin Temple, and Jigong was afraid of the flying mountain. The mountain was crushing people to death, so he rushed into the village and urged everyone to leave as soon as possible. The villagers were used to seeing Jigong being crazy and making fun of others, so they thought he was just trying to make everyone happy this time, so no one listened to him. Seeing that the mountain peak was about to come, Jigong was anxious, so he rushed into a house where a bride was being married, picked up the bride who was worshiping in the hall, and ran away. When the villagers saw the monk snatching the bride, they all shouted and chased him out. While people were chasing, they suddenly heard the howling wind, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and with a "rumbling" sound, a mountain peak flew down in front of Lingyin Temple, overwhelming the entire village.
At this time, people realized that Jigong snatched the bride to save everyone