The original peach flies away and burns its brilliance. The son belongs to the family, so it is appropriate to stay at home. When a peach dies, it has a flaw. Actually. The girl is going to get married, and the heir who gave birth early is going to make a fortune. Peach dies, its Ye Zhenzhen ⑥. The girl is getting married, and Comix is in harmony. Note 1 Yaoyao: Peach trees are in bud. Burning: the appearance of bright flowers. Hua: Flowers. Son of 3: Point out the girl you married. Return: Women get married. 4 appropriate: harmonious and kind. Wife: refers to husband and wife. ⑤ burning (fén): the appearance of multiple fruits. ⑥ hazel (zhēn): The appearance of lush leaves.