Original text:
In the past, people in the Zhou Dynasty were old, white-headed and crying on the road. People may ask, "What is crying?" He said: "I haven't seen many officials. When you are old, you waste your time and hurt yourself. I cried. " People say, "Why not see an official?" He said: "When I was young, I learned to be a writer and made great achievements in literature and morality. I began to want to be an official and let people make good use of their old age. Use the old master to die, and use the later master to fight. I'm good at martial arts. The martial arts festival started and the martial arts master died. I have never met a young master before, so I can make good use of my youth. I am old. "
—— (Excerpted from Wang Chong's On Balance and Meeting)
Once upon a time, there was a man in the Zhou Dynasty who repeatedly asked for an official position, but he was not appreciated by the monarch. He was old and his hair was gray, and he was crying on the side of the road. Someone asked him, "Why are you crying?" He replied: "I tried to be an official many times, but I was not appreciated." Now I am sad that I am old and lost the opportunity, so I shed tears sadly. " The man asked again, "Why didn't you get appreciated once?" He replied, "When I was a teenager, I studied classics and history hard. Later, I became literate and tried to be an official. Unexpectedly, the king likes to appoint old people. After the king died, the king who succeeded to the throne liked to appoint warriors. I changed to martial arts, but I just learned martial arts, and the king who was good at martial arts died again. Now that the newly established king is in power, he likes to appoint young people, and I am old, so I have not been appreciated once in my life and have not been able to be an official. "
Comments: There are always sages in the line, and they are impermanent for the officials.
Is the word yesterday a number? number
Yesterday x: and [name] (1) (pictograph. Like the leftover meat, I agree with you. Original meaning: dried meat) (2) and original meaning [dried meat] Once upon a time, dried meat was the same. -"Shuowen" (3) Under the guise of "Yesterday." Past; The past (as opposed to the present) [the previous era; Old wine of the past two days. -"Zhou Li Jiuzheng". ? People in the past were ignorant. -"The book has no escape" from ancient times to the present. -"Poetry, Ode to that" The former, the work of the holy king is also easy. -Yi Shuo Gua Chuan (Note: "The former" means "once upon a time" in classical Chinese). -"Mandarin Today" Long ago, a yellow crane carried a saint to heaven. -Don Cui Hao's Yellow Crane Tower originally came from the county seat. -Qing Zhou Rong's Biography of the Old Man (4) Another example: reminiscing about the past; Today is not what it used to be; Today is better than the past; Past (past, past); Past (since the past); Yesterday [yesterday] Yesterday, the former was ill, but today, why not hold on? -"Mencius Gong Sunchou". Zhao Qi's note: "Yesterday is also the past." (6) Evening [sunset; It's a good thing that today passed. -"Zhuangzi's Theory of Everything" As for the sun, the stars are out of the past. -"Gu Liangchuan Zhuang Gong Seven Years" is very enjoyable. -"Historical Records Chu Family" (7) "Xi". A sleepless night. -"Zhuangzi Tian Yun" last night. -"Guangya" in the midsummer of April. -"Gu Liangchuan Zhuang Gong Seven Years" dreamed of being a monarch yesterday ... Yesterday, I dreamed that I was a servant. -Liezi Zhou Muwang is a past. -"Zuo Zhuan, four years of mourning for the public"
Reference: /view/36 169 1
3. Which classical Chinese begins with the original text "Yesterday Qi people wanted money"?
In the past, the Qi people had a desire for gold (1), and the city of clothing in Qing Dan, a place suitable for gold, went because of his gold (2). The official caught him and suddenly said, "People are everywhere. Why are you robbing people?" Yes, he said, "when you get gold, you can't see anyone, you only see gold."
To annotate ...
(1) for gold-refers to the people who want to get gold. Wang Zhongmin: "Yilin cited the word" desire "with the word" de ",which is the same as Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals."
(2) Grab-grab.
(3) He-Wang Zhongmin: "Lei Ju Eighty-three and Magnolia Eight Hundred and Ten are both quoted with the word' why', which is the same as Lv Chunqiu." Wang Shumin: "Eight of the six posts, nine of the things assigned, one of the memories of the deep sea, the fifth of the things and the continuation of the text, and the fifty quotations from the heavenly records all have the word" why ",and the" why "in On Huai Nan Zi is" why ".
Once upon a time, there was a man in Qi who wanted gold. In the morning, he put on his clothes and hat and went to the gold market. He took the opportunity to take the gold and left. The official grabbed him and asked, "Why do you take other people's gold?" Answer: "when I take the gold, I can't see anyone, I only see the gold."
4. Seeking translation of classical Chinese is a gift from the bitterness of poets in past dynasties, to the bitterness of poets in past dynasties, and then to the poverty of one word. Bai Letian's poems, all doubts blurted out, and
Seeing the manuscripts hidden by modern people, there are many smears. Ouyang Wenzhong finished writing his public composition, posted it on the wall, sat and observed it, and tried his best to correct it.
Show people.
Ancient poets struggled to weigh the words in their articles, and even some people spent many years weighing a word and ten years writing an article! I suspect that Bai Juyi's poems (catchy and easy to understand) are all made casually. Only when I saw that his manuscript was collected by contemporary people did I know that his manuscript was also edited by graffiti many times. Ouyang Xiu wrote the article, posted it on the wall, sat or lay reading the manuscript, constantly revised it, and tried to be perfect before showing it to people.