Lu Xun's "the brave are angry and draw their swords at the strong;" Timid people are angry, but they will draw their swords against weak people. "What do you mean?

When a brave man is angry, he draws his sword to the strong, but when a coward is angry, he draws his sword to the weak: when a brave man is angry, he will fight against an enemy who is stronger than him, while when a coward is angry, he can only vent his anger by hurting the weak.

1, the weak: a group relative to the strong, which is obtained by comparison. The meaning includes: social weakness, political weakness, legal weakness, economic weakness, family weakness and so on.

2, weak: the strength is very weak, as opposed to "strong". Here refers to living at the bottom of society and being isolated from the world; People struggling on the brink of death.

3. Coward: refers to cowardice (or? A weak person.

4. Strong: Originally refers to people with extraordinary abilities in a certain field. This implies the political corruption of the rulers and the evil forces in society.

From Lu Xun? Gaihua Ji's mixed feeling.

From Gai Hua's "Ji Miscellaneous Feeling" original:

In the past, some people who were willing to live in this world were silent, groaning, sighing, crying and begging, but they were still willing to live in this world because they forgot their anger. The brave are angry and draw their swords at the strong; Timid people are angry, but they draw their swords at the weak people. There must be many heroes staring at children in a hopeless nation. These losers!

The children watched other children grow up and thought: they have lived in anger all their lives. Because anger is like this, they will be angry all their lives-and they will be angry with two, three, four or even the last days.