The idiom "enrich one's own pockets" refers to those who handle money, goods and power and take advantage of their work to enrich themselves.
At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhao Jianzi, the ruler of the State of Jin (the ancestor of Zhao Wang), sent tax collectors to collect taxes. Before leaving, the tax official asked Zhao Jianzi, "What's the tax rate this time?" Zhao Jianzi replied, "It's better not to be too light or too heavy. Heavy taxes make the country rich and poor; The tax is light, the people are rich and the country is poor. If you have no selfishness, you can do well. " At this time, a man named Boyi said to Zhao Jianzi, "In my opinion, your country is actually quite satisfied." Zhao Jianzi thought Ibn said that his country was very rich, and he was very happy. He also deliberately asked Ibn what he meant. Bo Yi said bluntly, "The upper treasury in your country is empty, the lower people are poor, and the corrupt officials in the middle are rich." Zhao Jianzi was very surprised.