"Ba" is a three-level Chinese character, pronounced "shēn", which means that two mountains stand side by side, indicating stability. It is often used in the names of people, and it is recorded in the Book of Changes. The achievements of Guang Yun and Lei Pian are the achievements of Ji Yun. Yin Xin. Shuowen recorded two mountains, and Xiao Wei Jingyun recorded two mountains? Wisdom grace each stop in its place, very quiet. Zhengzitong is a mountain text with different sounds and meanings, or it is easy to be a mountain root, an ancient Chinese root, and it is also turbid.
For the left and right structure, the head is a mountain, and there are 3 pens outside the department, a total of 6 pens. There are many celebrities who take the word "fu", and they all have outstanding contributions. Bao Yang, named Shuang Shan, was an agronomist in the heyday of the Qing Dynasty. He has paid attention to agriculture and agricultural technology education all his life, and has been engaged in agricultural vocational and technical education for a long time with outstanding achievements. He was an outstanding agricultural educator in ancient China and laid the foundation for agricultural development in China.
Yamagata sentence-making
2. Lightness, obscurity, exquisiteness and gracefulness, like morning mist, add some vividness and charm to this ingenious landscape painting.
3. Xiao Jing took the opportunity to suggest that we should use the landscape and national cultural resources of Yumatang to create more works with national characteristics, such as Miao costumes, Miao architecture, Miao life and so on.
4. The spring rain is picturesque. Unconsciously, the spring rain dyed peaches and apricots red, catkins white, peaks green and seedlings green. A beautiful landscape painting exhibition appears on the earth.
It's a cloudy afternoon in early summer, a pale green mountain peak is reflected in the snow-white sky, and it is submerged in white fog near the foot of the mountain. Just like the green landscape of ancient paintings, except that the paper is not yellow. I stood there motionless, afraid to go away, afraid of missing it, knowing that I would never see a more beautiful scenery in my life.
Reference to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-