Smell the world, not the world. People there are also afraid of worldly lewdness; Those who are good are afraid of the world and move their virtues. Who can rule the world if the world does not abuse its sex and move its virtue? When Yao ruled the world, it also made the world happy and not peaceful; Governing the world with Jie is unpleasant and makes the world miserable. My husband is unhappy. Immoral; There is no man who can live long without virtue.
People like and hate, and they are neighbors of Yang; Anger and evil, almost yin. Yin and Yang are adjacent and will not arrive at four o'clock. The sum of cold and heat doesn't work, and it hurts! It makes people lose their position and live in impermanence without being complacent. As a result, the world began with Qiao Zhuo, and then there was a trip to steal feet, which had been with history.
Therefore, it is not enough to raise the world to reward its goodness and to punish its evil. So the world is not big enough to reward and punish. Since three generations ago, Hungary has always regarded rewards and punishments as one thing. How can it spare his life?
Vernacular translation:
I only heard about making the world develop safely and freely, but I didn't hear about governing the world. Let the world develop freely, because people are worried about surpassing the original truth; Tolerance is not forced to take its place because people are worried that they have changed the normal state of nature. People in the world do not go beyond the original truth and do not change the normal state of nature. Where is the necessity of governing the world?
Once upon a time, Tang Yao ruled the world, which made everyone ecstatic. Everyone was happy for its authenticity and was not peaceful. In those days, Xia Jie ruled the world, which worried everyone. Everyone is suffering for its authenticity, so it is not happy. Anxiety and unhappiness are not the normal state of people's life and behavior. It does not conform to the normal state of nature and can exist for a long time. There is no such thing in the world.
People's excessive joy will definitely damage Yang; People's excessive anger will certainly harm Yin Qi. Yin and yang invade each other, so the four seasons will not adapt, and cold and heat will not be reconciled, which is likely to hurt yourself!
It makes people lose their normal state, there are no established rules for living, it doesn't matter to think about problems, everything is abandoned halfway, so all kinds of injustice begin to appear in the world, so there are stealing feet, being a god and history. And other different behaviors and practices.
Therefore, it is not enough to mobilize all the forces in the world to reward those who do good deeds, nor is it enough to mobilize all the forces in the world to punish those who do bad things. Therefore, although the world is big, it is still not enough to reward good and punish evil. Since Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, they have always regarded punishing evil and promoting good as the top priority in power. How can they have the idea of stabilizing people's natural nature and true feelings?
Origin: Reconsideration of Zhuangzi's Foreign Articles by Zhuangzi during the Warring States Period.
Zhuangzi's prose philosophy is profound and profound, and it is a treasure in China's classical works. Therefore, Zhuangzi is not only a famous thinker in the history of China philosophy, but also an immortal essayist in the history of literature.
No matter in philosophy or literary language, he had a far-reaching and great influence on thinkers and writers in China, and occupied an extremely important position in the history of China's thoughts and literature.
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About the author:
Zhuangzi was a thinker, philosopher and writer in the mid-Warring States period. Zhuang, Zhou, was born in the Song Dynasty. His ancestor was the Duke of the Song Dynasty and the monarch of the Song Dynasty. He founded Zhuangzi, an important school of philosophy in China, and was the representative of Taoist school in the Warring States period after Laozi. Also known as Lao Zi and Lao Zi.
Zhuangzi advocated freedom and should not be employed by Chu Weiwang. He only worked as a lacquer garden official in the Song Dynasty. History is called "the proud official of Qiyuan" and is regarded as a model of local officials. Zhuangzi first put forward the idea of "sage inside and king outside", which had a far-reaching influence on Confucianism. Zhuangzi profoundly pointed out that "the Book of Changes uses Yin and Yang". His thought of "three tones" is consistent with the three talents in the Book of Changes.
Zhuangzi's imagination is extremely rich, his language is freely used and flexible, and he can make some subtle and unspeakable philosophies fascinating. The representative work is Zhuangzi, among which the famous articles are Free Travel and On Wuqi.
His works are called "literary philosophy, philosophical literature". According to legend, Zhuangzi tried to live in seclusion in Nanhua Mountain, so Tianbao, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, named him a South China real person and called his book Zhuangzi the South China True Classic.
The structure of Zhuangzi's article is very strange. It doesn't look tight, but it often comes suddenly. You can do whatever you want and stop whenever you want. Wang Yang is reckless and changeable, sometimes seemingly irrelevant, jumping up and down at will, but his thoughts can run through. Sentences are also rich and varied, whether they are smooth or inverted, long or short, with richer vocabulary, detailed description, irregular rhymes and great expressiveness and originality.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Zhuangzi