The previous sentence is to waste all your efforts. It means to be thrown into the east-flowing water and be washed away; it is a metaphor for the failure of hope and the loss of achievements, as if it was washed away with the flowing water. From the poem "Fengqiu Zuo": "To make things happen, you need to cultivate the fields in the south, and everything in the world will be in vain."
Translation: This is what the world is like now. We have to make a living. If we have land, we must farm. If we don't have land, we must farm. Tian Kezhong can only enter the public house, and he can only throw everything in the world into nothing. Don't take things too seriously.
"Fengqiu Zuo" is a work by Gao Shi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. This poem was written when he was a county captain in Fengqiu County (now part of Henan). It is a confession from the heart of the poet, revealing the contradiction between the author's ideals and reality and his strong desire to return to seclusion after becoming an official.