Why are there so few cats in ancient poems?
1. In the evening, a scholar learned about the firefly, and everyone in the room was upright. I thanked him in the morning, and the people in the room said, "How can there be fireflies reading in the morning?" Xie Yue said: "There is nothing but catching fireflies and going home to save them." Today, the reason why the world is so high is that it will let scholars look after the world. A scholar is famous for putting fireflies in cloth bags for lighting. Some people in the village revere his qualities and come to visit him in the morning. The scholar's family apologized that the scholar was not here. The villagers said, "How can Sachifireflies study at night and go out in the morning?" The scholar's family said apologetically, "There is no special reason. He went to catch fireflies and will come back after dinner. " Today, those who think that lofty ideals should be embodied, should future scholars go? There are no good cats in the world. An evil cat (it should be a "mouse"), who wants to be a good cat, hates the smell of ointment and sleeps on a blanket. The cat is very satisfied with his eyes (it should be a "harmony"), refuses to catch mice, and even plays with them. The mice are violent with the old, fearing that they will not keep cats one by one, thinking that there are no bad cats in the world. Some people hate mice, so they spend a lot of money to find a good cat, let it enjoy the meat to its heart's content, and let it rest on a felt cotton blanket. When the cat is full and comfortable, it stops catching mice and even plays with them. As a result, rodent infestation has become more rampant. When men are afraid, they stop keeping cats and think that there are no good cats in the world.