Wang Baochuan was the daughter of Wang Yun, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty. Wang Yun has no sons, only three dry gold as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade. The two sisters are well matched, and parents want to find a son-in-law for their little daughter.
At that time, the area south of Chang 'an was surrounded by mountains and waters with beautiful scenery. Every spring, the royal family, literati and the poor in Chang 'an, the capital, like to enjoy flowers and swim here. This spring, Wang Baochuan also came to the southern suburbs for an outing with a few maids, only to meet a group of romantic childe to follow. At this time, a young scholar in shabby clothes next to him couldn't stand it anymore and boldly stepped forward to stop the rude behavior of this group of people. These villains swarmed and punched and kicked the scholar. The scholar only made a slight gesture, and with a slight bump, he knocked the worthless sons of Jinyi upside down. Knowing that they were no match for the scholar, they walked away swearing.
Wang Baochuan secretly admired the scholar's kung fu and courage. Seeing that the group of romantic childe had gone away, he quickly came forward to salute and thank him. The scholar was a little shy and repeatedly said, "It's natural, miss. You're welcome!" The more polite the scholar is, the more Wang Baochuan appreciates him and is full of praise. After a while, the two became acquainted. The scholar only said that his name was Xue Pinggui, his parents were dead, and his family was ruined, leaving him alone. In Wang Baochuan's view, this scholar is not only skilled in martial arts, but also knowledgeable and polite. Although he is poorly dressed, he can't hide his momentum and can't help but admire him. So they played together, singing birds and flowers all the way, lingering in spring, and a warm feeling echoed between them. Xue Pinggui knew that the young lady in front of her was the daughter of a prime minister. She is not only beautiful in appearance, but also so refined and unpretentious, dignified and not arrogant, which really fascinates him, but she is ashamed to match. When we parted at dusk, our eyes were full of attachment and disappointment.
Soon, my father urged my third daughter to get married quickly. Wang Baochuan had a brainwave and put forward the method of throwing hydrangea to decide lifelong events, and Wang Fu agreed. Baochuan thought that as soon as the news that he threw the wedding ball came out, his lover Xue Pinggui would come to attend, and then it was up to him to decide which side the hydrangea would fall on. Wang Fu secretly decided that until that day, he would tighten the door and let only some sons with status in. The rule of throwing the ball is "chicken marries chicken, dog marries dog", and those poor boys should not be allowed to take advantage. So a tall colorful building was set up in the Wangs' yard, and a lucky day was booked. Miss San threw hydrangeas to choose a mate. After the news came out, the well-known sons rushed to the Wangs, because everyone had already heard about Miss Wang San's talent and appearance, and because she was the daughter of the Prime Minister, they all wanted to take their chances. The gate of the Wangs is really strict, and people who are not prominent are absolutely not allowed in. Smart Baochuan asked the personal maid who went on a spring outing with Xue Gongzi to quietly find Xue Pinggui outside the hospital, and asked her to take Xue Pinggui into the hospital through a side door.
The auspicious moment came. After a burst of gongs, drums and firecrackers rang, the beautifully dressed lady stood upstairs with a colorful hydrangea in her hand. The dudes dressed in red and green in the yard downstairs caused a sensation, craning their necks to look forward to a godsend marriage. Wang Baochuan smiling, jade wrist, hydrangea, impartial, is playing in the corner of the courtyard cloth childe Xue Pinggui's head. When Wang Yun saw that the son-in-law who was thrown into the hydrangea turned out to be a young man in rags, he was furious and resolutely opposed at once. It turned out that Baochuan, who was crossed in his heart, knew that his father was poor and broke his promise. At this point, Baochuan decided not to let his father control his lifelong events, and married his lover Xue Pinggui. Wang Yun broke off the father-daughter relationship with her in a rage. At this time, Xue Pinggui had no place to live, so they moved into an old cave in Wudianpo. In the cold kiln, the husband and wife lived a hard life, but fortunately, the husband and wife respected each other and lived alone. That hard life was quite delicious. Although Wang Baochuan's father broke up with her, her mother couldn't give up this lovely little girl. She sends people to visit them from time to time and gives them some money to continue their lives. In the ninth year of Xian Tong, there was a rebellion on the border of Guizhou, which captured the frontier town and pushed northward. The imperial court sent troops to crusade, and in order to strengthen its forces, it also asked Shatuo troops to join the army to help. Xue Pinggui, who is both civil and military, joined Shatuo's army. Wang Baochuan is so reluctant to leave her husband, but Xue Lang is a great man with talent and knowledge, and he can't stay with him all his life. She dried her tears, packed for Xue Lang, and waved him to fight.
In the Shatuo army, Xue Pinggui was gradually valued by Zhu Xie, the leader, for his excellent martial arts and talents. After putting down the rebellion, Xue Pinggui had no time to return to Chang 'an to visit his long-lost wife, so he was stationed in Datong with the army. On one occasion, Xue Pinggui went hunting in the suburbs with the chief's family, and when he reached the edge of the cliff, the mount of Princess Chunhua, the daughter of Zhu Xie's red heart, was suddenly frightened out of control, and her hoof flew and almost fell off the cliff. Xue Pinggui, who followed closely, ran forward, stretched out his arm and tried to stop the princess's horse. Two horses came to the hillside, and Xue Pinggui dismounted to help the frightened Princess Chunhua, the little princess in the seed of love. When she saw that the rescuer was a handsome young Han warrior, she couldn't help but jump into Xue Pinggui's arms.
From that day on, Princess Chunhua fell madly in love with Xue Pinggui. Xue Pinggui has been waiting for him in Chang 'an cold kiln with his wife Wang Baochuan in his arms. He doesn't want to betray her sincere love. However, I have been unknown in Shatuo's army. If I don't catch Princess Chunhua, it will be difficult for me to get promoted in the future. Besides, if I annoy the Lord, I don't know if I can stay here. After careful consideration, Xue Pinggui became the "Xu Ye" of Chief Shatuo, and his position in Shatuo's army naturally soared. Of course, he won't forget his married wife. He sent messengers to Wang Baochuan many times, bringing letters and silk to help the Iraqi people's lives, while Tang Ting's special envoy came to Datong to comfort them. Of course, he didn't tell her that he got married here. Wang Baochuan in the cold kiln has always been determined, making a living by spinning, and waiting for her lover to return home wholeheartedly. Year after year passed, and Xue Pinggui never came home. Later, I never heard from you again. Did Xue Lang change his mind? No, this is a violent political turmoil. Xue Pinggui followed Shatuo's army to Yinshan. Yinshan and Chang 'an are far away, and there is no news. Xue Pinggui thought I don't know when to reunite with Bao Chuan. One year, the situation in Chang 'an was urgent and the Tang Dynasty lacked military strength. Shatuo army entered Beijing to help fight and saved the Tang Dynasty.
Xue Pinggui came to Chang 'an with the army, and the successful Xue Pinggui went to the cold kiln in Wudianpo alone, and finally met his long-lost wife Wang Baochuan. Husband and wife meet and cry from noon to dusk. Wang Baochuan finally walked out of the cold kiln and was connected to Xue Pinggui's house. After eighteen years of hard work, Wang Baochuan finally has a happy family. And the story of Wang Baochuan's eighteen years' hard work in the cold kiln has become a legendary story. Qujiang Cold Kiln Site is located in the southeast corner of Qujiang New District, Anshi, next to Qujiang Ruins Park, separated from Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Datang Furong Garden and Datang City that Never Sleeps. It is one of the six heritage park projects in Qujiang New District. The total planned area is 188.75 mu. Among them, the park covers an area of 60 mu, and the surrounding functional land is 120 mu. Qujiang Hanyao Love Theme Cultural Park will take Qujiang Hanyao site as the core, love tourism, love consumption, love memorial and love education as the main industrial direction, and build a love theme park and a happy industrial base integrating site protection, tourism development and cultural industry construction. Qujiang Hanyao Ruins Park is an important part of the Tang cultural industry base in Anjiajiang New District, a national cultural industry demonstration zone. Cold Kiln is a famous tourist attraction in Xi, which records the faithful love story of Wang Baochuan and Xue Pinggui. The site was built in the late Qing Dynasty, and contains the ancestral temple of Wang Baochuan. In 23 years of the Republic of China, Sun Yilian, Yang Hucheng's mother, donated money to repair it. June 1984 The local township government invested in the construction, and it was officially opened to tourists on February 28th. 1985.
The main body of the new Hanyao site project is Xi 'an Qujiang Land Reserve Center and Xi 'an Qujiang Cultural Tourism (Group) Co., Ltd., which was built by the former Qujiangchi Site Park Project Construction Headquarters and undertaken by Xi 'an Qujiang Garden Construction Co., Ltd. ... The construction land of the project is about 70 mu, and the construction investment is about 200 million yuan. The project consists of Chinese and foreign wedding customs and sexual culture museums such as wedding area, museum area and ruins area. It's a love theme park integrating cold kiln ruins, leisure and entertainment, and wedding industry activities. The newly-built Cold Kiln Ruins Park is scheduled to open to the public on May 10.
The newly-built Hanyao Ruins Park will highlight the independence and loyalty of love, and build a place for young men and women in love based on its rich historical and cultural heritage and combined with the emotional pulse of modern people, implying that their love will last forever and become stronger; At the same time, it also provides unique folk wedding supporting services for newlyweds, so as to promote social integrity, promote the loyalty and sacredness of love, make the love theme bigger and better, and build Hanyao Ruins Park into the first love theme park in China. After visiting the cold kiln, I entered the gate and walked to Mizoguchi. The first thing I saw was an exquisite small corner pavilion, named "Sifu Pavilion", which was a symbol of Wang Baochuan's climbing high and looking forward to her husband's early return. After passing Sifu Pavilion, we walked along the south slope. At the foot of the cliff stood five great halls, named "Zhenlie Hall", with blue bricks and tiles, carved beams and painted buildings, which were magnificent. In the temple, there are colorful statues of Wang Baochuan and Xue Pinggui, as well as images of Xue Pinggui surrendering to the red-maned spirited horse. Follow this line and enter a round brick door, which is the ancient courtyard of the cold kiln. There are two colorful buildings on the cliff, with upturned cornices and rustled pavilions. The following two kilns are "Bie Kiln" and "Exploration Kiln", where Wang Baochuan Bev and his mother poured wine to explore the statue of a woman. This is based on two plots in the drama Wudianpo. Going up the stairs from the "Bieyao" and passing through the Fairy Cave is the "Ruku Cave". According to legend, this is Wang Baochuan's humble abode. There is only a small heatable adobe sleeping platform in the cave. There is only a small window one foot square on the wall in front of the heatable adobe sleeping platform. The window frame is a few bent branches. It was dark in the cave, and there was only room for two people to turn around under the heatable adobe sleeping platform. To the east of the courtyard outside the window is the "Demon Horse Cave". According to legend, the cave where the demon horse was released in Xue Pinggui at this moment is 100 meters long, narrow and tortuous, dark and cold, and tourists need to explore before they can move forward. Out of another hole, into the back ditch.
This is the location of Yichun Garden in Qin and Han Dynasties. The environment is quiet, carefree and beautiful.