My officials need to have the following qualities: dare to embark on a dangerous journey, earn a small salary, endure the biting cold, see the sun for months, and are not sure whether they can return safely. (shekelton English)
Unless it is the stupidest mouse, it will not hide in the cat's ear; But unless you are the smartest cat, you won't search your ears. (Scott Ralph)
Go mountain climbing. Look, the mountain is over there. (George Mallory)
Wuyue returned without looking at the mountains, and Huangshan returned without looking at the mountains. (Xu Xiake China)
The gentleman faces the blue sea, and the sky is dark. (Xu Xiake China)
1. Whatever I can do, I want to try.
2. When you take up your backpack for the first time and set foot on a distant road, you will never stop!
3. Why go climbing? -"because the mountain is there"! This is a famous English mountaineer Mallory's famous saying.
4. "The world is for exploration, rules are for breaking, and hand washing is for getting dirty again." Cai Kangyong.
Don't take anything but memories, and leave nothing but footprints.
A true traveler must be a wanderer, experiencing the joy, temptation and exploration of a wanderer. -Lin Yutang
It is more beneficial to travel alone because he thinks too much.
Life is a trek, a trip; It is waiting, it is meeting; This is an adventure and treasure hunt; Tears are also songs.