Duke Jing of Jin asked again, "What kind of person is the King of Chu?" Zhong Yi said, "When the king is a prince, a surname teaches him and eunuchs wait on him. After getting up in the morning, play like a child; Sleep at night. I don't know anything else. "
Fan Wenzi said to Gong Jing, "This prisoner of Chu is really a gentleman. He said his father's name instead of his own, which was ungrateful; Playing the piano only plays Chu ci, but never forgets the old; When asked about the king of Chu, he only said that the king of Chu was a child and selfless; Just saying that father is a minister of Chu is a respect for the king of Chu. Don't forget this as benevolence, don't forget old letters, be selfless and loyal, and respect the monarch. He has these four virtues, and he will certainly be able to do the big task entrusted to him. "
So Duke Jing of Jin treated foreign envoys with courtesy, and in order to promote the reconciliation between the two countries, he was asked to go back to Chu to make peace. Zhong Yi is known as the Duke of Side, and later generations regard it as the hall name for ancestor worship.
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Qin Shi is an online song composed by the ancient singer Audio Monster. It is the masterpiece of Audio Monster, which is included in the album "The Strange Journey of the Old Demon". "Qin Shi" was very popular as soon as it was released, and the lyrics were gripping and fascinating.
It tells the story of the rebellion of local officials in Guangdong and Guangxi. After being pacified by the imperial court, some young men and women were selected from the captured locals and brought back to the palace as usual. Women are maids and men are internal supervisors. One of them was a boy in white with a paulownia xylophone on his back, and his clothes were flying like a fairy. After he entered the palace, he did not become an internal supervisor, but became the king's pianist.