1, original text
Accidents will happen. Scolopes has a hundred feet and can't walk like a snake; The rooster has two wings, but he can't fly over the crow. A horse has a journey of a thousand miles, and it can't be done without riding it; People are ambitious, but they can't be self-sufficient unless they are lucky.
Gavin: In this world, wealth can't be lewd, and poverty can't be moved. The article is overwhelming, Confucius is in Bang Chen; Excellent martial arts, squire fishing in Weihe River. Yan Yuan's life is short, he is not a vicious person; Stealing feet is old, so he is a kind person. Emperor Yao was wise, but he gave birth to a black sheep; Gu Sou is stupid, but he is a filial son. Zhang Liangyuan is a civilian, and Xiao He is called a county magistrate.
Yan Zi, who was less than five feet tall, was appointed Prime Minister of Qi. Kongming, who lives in the thatched cottage, can become a strategist of Shu Han. Although Chu Ba was a hero, he was defeated by Wujiang River and committed suicide. Although Hanwang is weak, it has Wan Li. Li Guang has the power to shoot tigers, not to be old; Feng Tang has the talent of Lapras, but he has never met him in his life. When Han Xin didn't meet, he didn't have three meals a day. When we met, there was a three-foot decree hanging around our waist. Once he declined and died at the hands of Yin people.
2. Translation
The weather is unpredictable, and it is hard to predict when there will be disaster and happiness in one's life. A centipede has many feet, but it can't climb as fast as a snake. A rooster has two wings, but he can't fly as high as a crow. A good horse can gallop thousands of miles, but it won't come back until someone rides it. Everyone has great ambitions, but you can't get ahead without opportunities.
People often say: when you are alive and rich, you can control yourself from profligacy; Don't change your will when you are poor. Confucius wrote more articles than the world, but was besieged by Chen; Resourceful Jiang Ziya had been waiting for an opportunity to make a fortune in Weishui. Although Yan Hui, a student of Confucius, died early, he was by no means a cruel man.
Although bootlegging has lived a long life, it is not a kind person. Although Yao Shun was a wise man, he gave birth to a black sheep. Shun's father was stubborn and stupid, but he gave birth to a son who was as filial as Shun. Originally just a civilian, Xiao He is just a county magistrate. Yan Zi was less than five feet tall, but he was appointed Prime Minister of Qi. Living in a thatched cottage, you can act as a strategist of Shu.
Although Xiang Yu was strong, he was eventually defeated in Wujiang River. Although Liu Bang was weak, he finally ruled the country. Li Guang, a general of the Han Dynasty, had the reputation of shooting tigers and stones, but he failed to seal the marquis for life. Although Feng Tang has the talent to run the country and keep the country safe, he has never met his talent in his life. When Han Xin is unlucky, he can't even eat. Luck came, and he became a handprint general. Once his luck fell, he died of the trick of a malicious person.
Creation background
Lv Mengzheng was born in poverty and knew the sufferings of the poor, so he studied hard, worked hard and loved the people. When I was young, I studied in a broken kiln with Kou Zhun, and I experienced changes in the world. Later, when I became a prime minister, I realized that the people were humiliated. So he wrote an article "Broken Kiln Fu".