The Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said:' I am very weak! I haven't dreamed of Duke Zhou for a long time.' "
Explanatory usage
Confucius worships Duke Zhou very much. He felt very old because he hadn't dreamed of Duke Zhou for a long time. Later, this code name was used to refer to the sages; Or sleep or dream.
Classical form
Tang Lutong, Duke of Zhou: "When the sun is high and sleepy, the army will knock on the door to surprise Duke of Zhou." Su Songshi: "Filial piety is also pitiful. I am willing to sleep day and night for Duke Zhou." Song Chen Shidao: "Deno has always been light in the season. When will he go to Duke Zhou?"
Dream of Liu Kun: "I am a long-lost husband, why not dream of Zhou."
Gu Yanwu and Meng Qing of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: "Xishu is a mysterious grass, and the dream of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty has not failed."
Dreaming of the tomb of the Duke of Zhou Song: "Dreaming of the wealth of the Duke of Zhou and my affairs, how can I talk about Emperor Xi?" Song Lu Tour: "Filial piety sleeps in the dream of Duke Zhou first, and it is shameful for my disciples." Qian Qing Qian Yi: "Millions of cigarettes sell the rising sun, and you dream of Duke Zhou."
Dream of Zhou Kongtang Du Fu: "I look at Luge, I no longer dream of Kong Zhou."
Duke Zhou dreamed of Song: "But it was not so much an old man sighing for the dragon as it was a dream of Duke Zhou?"
Duke of Zhou has no dream, and Lu Songyou: "Deng Yu has a smile, and Duke of Zhou knows his decline without a dream."