original text
Han and Wei dynasties all know the northern capital, and relatives at home and abroad gave a jade lamp. It was obtained by a buried cloud practitioner. There is no flaw on the surface, it is really a baby. One of my cousins gave him a jade cup, saying that the man who cultivated the land entered the tomb, and there was no trace from it. There was no such thing as the only good thing. It's time to gather Cao Cao's distinguished officials, set up a special table, spread embroidered clothes on it, and present a jade lamp, which will be used to drink and persuade wine. Russian officials accidentally hit, jade lamps were broken, guests were surprised, and officials were humble. Han Qi was not confused. He smiled and said to everyone, "Sometimes things break." Then he said to the military attache, "You accidentally knocked over the table, not on purpose. What's your crime?" ? "Korea's measurement is too generous.
Han Qi is the CEO of Beidu. One of his cousins gave him a jade lamp, saying that it was plowed into a broken grave. The jade lamp can't find any flaws from the inside out. It's really a unique good thing. Han Qi thanked him with 120 gold, which was especially regarded as a treasure. So he opened the wine and summoned officials and dignitaries who were responsible for transporting food on water. Han Qi specially prepared a table of food, covered it with embroidered cloth, and put the jade lamp on it, ready to drink and persuade the guests present. After a while, a petty official accidentally knocked over the table, and all the jade lamps were smashed to pieces. All the guests present were stunned, and the deacon waited on the ground. Han Qi looked calm and smiled and said to the guests present: "Things sometimes break." He said to the small official, "You were just careless, not intentional. What is the crime? " Han Qi's measure of generosity is this.