Wu Xinyi by Wang Wei: The Red Calyx of Hibiscus in the Mountain. There is no one in the stream, and it has begun to fall.
Autumn in a Mountain Residence by Wang Wei: An empty mountain stands on an autumn night after the rain. The bright moon shed clear light from the cracks and cleared the fountain on the rocks. The bamboo forest is sonorous, the washerwoman returns, and the lotus leaves are swaying to get on the canoe. Spring spring might as well give it a rest, and the autumn sun can stay on the hills for a long time.
Wang Wei's Birding Creek: When people are idle, osmanthus flowers fall, and the night is quiet and the mountains are empty. When the moon comes out, the birds are startled, and the sound enters the spring stream.
Wei Shui Farmer by Wang Wei: In the setting sun in the countryside, cattle and sheep go home along the path. A rugged old man in a thatched door leaned against a cane and thought about his son, the shepherd boy. There are whistling pheasants? Full ears of wheat, sleeping silkworms and peeled mulberry leaves. Jojo and Fu Tian greet each other cordially. No wonder I long for a simple life, and the disappointed songs are fading.