It is said that the moon is the brightness of hometown. How does the moon shine?

The moon does not actually emit light, it reflects the sun's light. In the universe, luminous stars are called stars. Some galaxies have more than one star, but our solar system has only one star, and that is the sun. Unlike Proxima Centauri, the galaxy next door to us, there are three stars. Therefore, in our solar system, except for the sun, no other stars will shine. Between the sun and the earth, there is a satellite of the earth, which is also the only satellite of the earth. It is believed by many to "radiate", and many literary works have even been produced through its light. This satellite is the moon.

The moon is a satellite of the earth. Unlike Saturn, which has so many satellites, our earth only has one satellite: the moon. And because of the synchronization of the moon's rotation with the earth, only the front side of the moon always faces the earth, and the back side is never shown in front of the earth. During the day, the blazing sun provides us with heat and makes all things grow, while at night, the soft light of the moon brings people a lot of reverie. Many literati in ancient times would miss the moon and miss their hometown. But what they don't actually know is that moonlight and sunlight actually come from the same source, both coming from the sun.

As the only star in the solar system, the sun has been burning for billions of years. It has continued to burn and heat, and has allowed the earth at the right distance to develop life, and the sun has always continued to produce life. It continuously provides the earth with the heat needed for the growth of life. Although it seems to us that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, nearly half of the day is dark. But in fact, the sun is fixed in that place. It is only the earth that is constantly rotating and revolving that you can see the sunrise and sunset.

The moon is between the earth and the sun and rotates with the earth, so when the sun's light is emitted and shines on the moon, the moon will become a super large diffuse mirror. Diffuse the sun's rays. But because the diffuse reflection effect of the moon is not very good, the moonlight is so soft. Most of the remaining sun's rays are absorbed by the moon.