It is a perennial herb with creeping rhizomes and many fibrous roots. The leaf base forms a rosette-like leaf cluster, and the leaves are bottle-shaped or tubular. Bottle-shaped leaves have insect traps, smooth opening on the capsule wall and nectar glands, which secrete sweet nectar to attract insects and fall into the capsule. The capsule wall is smooth and contains digestive juice, which can secrete digestive enzymes to decompose insects and then be absorbed by proteolytic enzymes decomposed by glands composed of thin-walled cells on the inner wall. In addition, pitcher plants grow sword-shaped leaves in autumn and winter, without insect traps, and only produce nutrients through photosynthesis.
The flower is bisexual, and the inflorescence is a loose raceme consisting of several large flowers. The flower core consists of 1 helmet-shaped stigma, 3-5-loculed ovary and 50-80 stamens. This flower has yellow petals and opens downwards. There are five round calyxes, which are located below the petals. The fruit is a capsule with rough surface and many nodes, and contains most tiny seeds. When it matures, it will automatically crack and pop out the seeds.