The troops were gathering in the northwest of Chang'an, preparing to recapture the two capitals. Public and private horses were concentrated in the army. Du Fu used his connections to write a poem to General Li Siye, borrow a horse, and then reluctantly said goodbye to Fengxiang. The road was deserted, and he accidentally encountered one or two, mostly injured soldiers. "Looking back at Fengxiang County, the flag was extinguished in the late Ming Dynasty." He couldn't have known that the next two months would be the most stressful and busy time for the military and political affairs of the imperial court. In order to achieve The highest goal was to regain the two capitals, and Suzong went all out. He mobilized 150,000 troops and horses, and named Guangping King Li Chu (later Emperor Daizong of the Tang Dynasty) as the marshal of the world's troops. Guo Ziyi was the actual command, and success or failure depended on this.
Du Fu was completely excluded from the major political process of regaining the two capitals. He walked further and further until he could no longer see Fengxiang, and was only accompanied by mountains, rivers, flowers and fruits:
The mountains and fruits are so trivial. , Luo Sheng mixed with oak chestnuts.
Some are as red as cinnabar, or as black as dotted paint.
Wherever the rain and dew moisten it, the sweetness and bitterness are both strong and strong.
Reminiscing about the peach garden, I lament my humble life experience.
There are tiny mountain berries all over the mountains and plains, mixed with the fruits of oak and chestnut trees. Some are as bright red as cinnabar, and some are as black as black paint. They are moistened by rain and dew, whether sweet or bitter, and grow wildly. In comparison, Lao Du is wandering around. Isn't this what Mao Zedong said, "Fu, Bixing and Xing are both used"? It seems to be idle writing and insignificant. The purpose is to highlight the most important "sadness and feeling" and "sadness and pity", transitioning from description of scene to discussion.
After arriving in Qiang Village, the poet enjoyed a rare happy time at home, but he was concerned about the court and state affairs:
The Supreme Being is still covered in dust, how many days will he have to rest for training?
Looking up at the changing sky, you can feel the enchanting atmosphere while sitting there.
The gloomy wind comes from the northwest, and the gloom returns to Hehe.
The king is willing to help and obey, and his customs are good at breaking things.
Send 5,000 troops and 10,000 horses.
This generation is young and noble, and it is brave to fight in all directions.
Everything used is soaring like an eagle, and can defeat the enemy faster than the speed of arrows.
The Sacred Heart is quite empty, and it is about to lose its energy.
Iro's fingers are closed, but Xijing is not enough.
Officials and troops, please go deep and gather your strength to attack together.
This move opens Qingxu, and rotates to look at Hengjie.
Haotian is filled with frost and dew, and the righteousness is chilling.
Misfortune turned to Hu Sui's death, and Hu Yue was likely to be captured.
How long will it last? The imperial outline should not be eliminated.
He heard that the Uighur soldiers came from the northwest and were willing to help the imperial court regain Chang'an. Although this group of cavalry was small, it had strong combat effectiveness. Everyone admired their bravery and determination because their movements were as fast as eagles. Defeating enemy armies is effortless. Suzong pinned his hope of victory on them and waited with an open mind. Even if the court officials disagreed, no one dared to object due to the current situation. The current situation was improving. Du Fu believed that as long as they actively prepared for war and cooperated closely with the Uighur army, the rebels would be wiped out and the imperial outline would be restored. However, he was worried about the powerful Uighur soldiers, fearing that they would rely on their merits to become powerful and cause trouble to the Tang Empire in the future. He hoped that the officers and soldiers would wait for the opportunity to go deep into Fanyang from the north, attack the bandits' nest, and end the local rebellion in one fell swoop. In hindsight, Du Fu was very prophetic on these issues, but he was an emperor who was "eager for success" and could only act as a "pre-emptor" in his poems and make comments.
This cannot be entirely blamed on Suzong. He ascended the throne improperly and was suppressed by Xuanzong. After the armies gathered in Fengxiang, Li Mi suggested