In December in Chongzhen, I lived by the West Lake. It snowed for many days, and the noise of pedestrians and birds in the lake disappeared. At about eight o'clock this evening, I took a boat, wore a fur coat and took a stove to see the snow in the middle of the lake. Ice flowers are all over the sky, the sky is bright and watery, and the sky is pure white. The shadow of the lake, only a trace of a long beach, a little outline of the lake, and my boat, two or three boat people on board. (Left: Mao Yu)
In the pavilion in the middle of the lake, I saw two people laying blankets and a child cooking a wine stove. Yu Daxie said, "There is no such person in the lake. Let Yu have a drink with him. I tried to drink three glasses of wine and then said goodbye to them. Ask them what their surnames are. They are from Nanjing and are guests in this place. Off the boat, Zhou Zi muttered, don't say "xianggong" is crazy, he is more like "xianggong" crazy. (Wanghu Pavilion Snow in Ming Dynasty: Zhang Dai)