The original text of Yan Hui's spring outing with Confucius seems to be the beginning of Mu.
Point, and you? "Drums and instruments are sparse, sounds and sounds are clear, and instruments are written, saying," It was written by Extraordinary Third Son. Confucius said, "What's wrong with this?" They also speak their minds. "He said," Those who are in late spring, those who have finished wearing spring clothes, there are five or six champions, and there are six or seven teenagers, bathing in interpretation, dancing in the wind and singing back. " The master sighed and said, "I have a point. "Ceng Dian, how are you? Zeng's piano performance is drawing to a close. He put it down loudly, stood up and said, "I am different from the three of them." "Confucius said," What does it matter to talk about this? Just talk about your ambition. "Ceng Dian said:" In the third month of spring, I put on my spring clothes. About five or six people took six or seven boys, bathed in water and blew high slopes, singing all the way back. The master sighed and said, "I appreciate Ceng Dian's interest. "