It is said that Du Fu is philosophical by nature, and he can enjoy himself even if he is poor. One day in early spring, at dusk, my best friend Gao Shi visited. Du Fu knew that he was unable to entertain, so he had to let his wife take pains. Madam's only dishes are two eggs just laid by the hen, a handful of leeks just cut from the garden and a bowl of bean curd residue sent by the neighbor. The virtuous wife thought about it a little, and then set about doing it.
On a plate of fried leeks, there are two egg yolks-two orioles singing green willows.
Scrambled egg white-a row of egrets flying to the sky (because there are few, they are spread on the plate)
Stir-fried bean curd residue-the window contains autumn snow in Xiling
A bowl of eggshell soup-Mambo Wu Dong's Wan Li boat (when it is served, two eggshells float in the bowl, just like boats drifting on the great lake).