Since ancient times, the next line in the dilemma of loyalty and filial piety is to serve the country with loyalty and follow Yue Fei's example. This poem is a poem handed down from Yue Fei's period, and the poet is unknown. The full text is as follows: Since ancient times, it has been difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety, so one should serve the country with loyalty and emulate Yue Fei. Open-minded and heroic, dedicated to serving the country and being loyal to the country. The mother-in-law's tattoo signifies loyalty, and has been passed down through the ages to praise the innocent son.
Yue Fei was an outstanding commander-in-chief of the Southern Song Dynasty. He valued the people's resistance to the Jin Dynasty and concluded the "Union Heshuo" plan, advocating that the civilian anti-Jin Dynasty rebels north of the Yellow River and the Song army cooperate with each other to regain lost territory; In running the army, rewards and punishments are clear, discipline is strict, and he can be considerate of his subordinates and lead by example. The "Yue Family Army" he leads is known as "if you freeze to death, you will not tear down the house, and if you starve to death, you will not take prisoners." The Jin army once commented that "it is easy to shake the mountains, but it is difficult to shake the Yue family's army" to show their sincere admiration for the Yue family's army.