Xiao Guanyin showed her intelligence from an early age. When she was three years old, she could recite poems. When she grows up, she looks handsome and lovely. Xiao Guanyin loves literature, and her literary works are only fifteen, but her literary status is among the top among women in China. Because of her beauty and talent, Xiao Guanyin was famous in Liao country at that time. Later, it was brought into the palace by Emperor Daozong. In the early days, Emperor Daozong liked Xiao Guanyin very much and made her a queen.
In the middle and late period of Daozong's rule, he became obsessed with hunting. He hunts all day and doesn't care about state affairs. At this time, Xiao Guanyin dissuaded him. Xiao Guanyin's favorite Daozong began to alienate her, and Xiao Guanyin was gradually left out. Because Xiao Guanyin is good at writing poems, one day he wrote a poem "Hui Yuan Xin Ci" to express his sadness in the palace and his regret for his misfortune. Hui was so touching that Zhao, a court musician, was asked to compose the music. Later, this poem was naturally matched with music, and Xiao Guanyin often played with this court musician to relieve loneliness.
In the deep palace, some people with ulterior motives began to tell Tang Daozong that they were having an affair with Zhao, a court musician. Xiao Guanyin, who had already fallen out of favor, faced with this frame-up and didn't give him a chance to prove his innocence, ordered Xiao Guan to be put to death. This famous woman writer in ancient China has passed away.