1, don't forget to sacrifice for the national mourning. Now the people are rich and the country is strong. The towering green hills testify that the bright red flag is cast with blood!
At this solemn commemorative ceremony, we pay high tribute to the heroes.
The deeds of heroes will go down in history forever. They used their lives to interpret the patriotic spirit and lofty sentiments of doing their best for the people.
May the heroes rest in peace. Your dedication will always inspire us to strive for the progress of our country and society.
Heroes, heroes, you have guarded our happiness with selfless dedication and heroic spirit, and we will remember the name of your.
6. The faith and sacrifice of the heroes will always inspire us to make unremitting efforts to build a better country.
7. The immortal deeds of the heroes and heroes are the precious wealth of our nation, and they will live in the depths of our memory forever.
8. At the moment of paying homage to the heroes and heroes, we feel the heaviness of history and the great responsibility. Let's watch and respect the heroic spirit together.
9. Be fearless and immortal. Pay tribute to the heroes and heroes. May your spirit be passed down from generation to generation.
10, pay tribute to the heroes and heroes, and wish peace will last forever and the country will prosper.