A song of snow sent Tian Shuji Wu home.
The north wind folds the white grass like a spring breeze. At night, In the snow crosses Tatar Day, enters the bead curtain, wet silk curtain, and blows open the petals of Wanli pear tree. The fox fur is not warm, the brocade is thin and stiff, and it is difficult to pull it thin. The iron clothes are cold and it is difficult to make deep ice in the sand sea. When the clouds were gloomy, Wan Li Ning Zhongjun bought wine to drink back to the guests. Huqin Pipa and Qiangdi have fallen into Yuanmen at dusk, and the red flag can't be turned over to the east gate of the wheel platform to bid farewell. When it snows, the mountain road turns around and can't see you, leaving a horse line on the snow.