What does it mean that a gentleman is more expensive than jade?

It means that the virtue of a gentleman can be compared with jade.

The Book of Rites records a passage of Confucius: "In the past, a gentleman was virtuous in jade, gentle and kind." It means that the virtue of a gentleman can compare with jade, which is moist and shiny. This is benevolence.

Confucius (September 28, 55 BC1year-April 479 BC 1 1 year), surnamed Kong, was born in Lu (now Qufu, Shandong) at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, and his ancestral home was Li Yi (now Xiayi, Henan).

Confucius was a famous thinker and educator in ancient China. He initiated the atmosphere of private lectures, advocated benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith, and was the founder of Confucianism. ?

Educated by Laozi, Confucius led some disciples around the world for fourteen years. In his later years, he studied six classics: Poetry, Shu, Li, Yue, Yi and Chunqiu. According to legend, he has 3,000 disciples, including 72 sages.